About me
I am a professional actor. I love acting because I love to live more than one life. I want the world to know that we’re all just people; some people worry too much about getting it wrong when talking to us.
Myth To Bust; People with a learning disability cannot be good, professional actors; my life is great, so just be happy for me!
I have Down syndrome Down syndrome, also known as Down's syndrome, is a type of disability. People with Down syndrome may find it hard to learn new things and may need support. They may have more problems with their health too. which is sometimes called Down's syndrome
Age and location
44, Sussex
- Making people smile
- Kefir & defrosted cherries
- Learning new things
- Spicy food
- People who make others feed bad
- Loud noises
Meet Mencap Myth Buster Sarah Gordy
In this video Sarah tells us about her acting and the myth A myth is an idea about something that is not true. she wants to bust.