Mencap's latest annual report

We are proud of all of our colleagues at Mencap for delivering another year of incredible achievements for people with a learning disability . We have continued to support people in so many different ways, helping them into work, campaigning, providing information and advice and working to make communities all over the UK accessible .

We will not stop until the UK is the best place for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives. 

You’ll see from the report that this year was also difficult in many ways. Social care in the UK is a challenging environment to work in and our workforce is stretched and underfunded by national budgets. We are very grateful for the difference they make to the lives of people with a learning disability and the hard work they do to maintain the quality of our services.  

Read the Mencap 2022/23 annual report

Take a look at our latest full annual report, and easy reads to find out more about our achievements this year, as well as details of our financial accounts.

Full report (PDF) Easy reads
Pages from the 2022-23 Mencap annual report
White space

* Notes regarding the 2020 and 2018 annual reports:

Gender pay gap reports

Our gender pay gap report(s) explain what the situation is for us as an organisation, and our thoughts and plans for addressing it:

Equality pay gap report

In line with our EDI strategy we have collated new race/ethnicity and disability pay gap data for 2022/23 and will continue to do so each year to show our progress here at Mencap.

This report has been published in the interests of transparency to ensure that we identify and address any barriers to  employment and progression within Mencap:

Latest pay gap report (PDF)

Earlier reports: