What are the rules in my tenancy agreement?
What are the rules in my tenancy agreement?
If you have a tenancy agreement you should read it to see what rules you must follow, and what rules your landlord must follow.
You might also be given a Tenants Handbook, which has more rules in it, which you must follow.
Not everybody needs a written tenancy agreement.
If you are paying rent you might be a tenant.
If you don't know, or are unsure about your tenancy, contact the Learning Disability Helpline for advice.
If you do not understand any of the rules, ask your landlord to explain them to you.
If you think anything in your tenancy agreement is not fair, contact the Learning Disability Helpline for advice.
Usually, you must:
1. Pay all of your rent on time
2. Live in your home
3. Try to keep your home clean
4. Let your landlord know if anything needs repairing
5. Try to keep your garden clean
6. Make sure that your doors are locked, and your windows are shut when you are not in your home
7. Put your bins out to be emptied
8. Let people in to fix the property, but ask to see some proof to check that they are who they say they are
You must not:
1. Make a lot of noise
2. Forget to pay your rent or council tax Council Tax Tax is the money that pays for things like schools, hospitals and the police. There are different types of taxes like income tax Income tax is the money that is taken out of the money you earn every month. It helps to pay for things we all need like hospitals and schools. , VAT VAT is also called Value Added Tax. VAT is the extra money you pay when you buy things. The money goes to the government The Government are the people who run the country. The Government decide how much tax people should pay and how things like the National Health Service ( NHS The NHS is the National Health Service. The NHS gives free healthcare to everyone in the UK and includes things like your GP (doctors) surgery and hospitals. ) should work. to pay for things like schools and hospitals. and council tax. is the money that people pay to the council. It helps to pay for things like social care (support for people), parks and dustbin collection.
3. Change the meters without your landlord's permission
4. Have pets in the property without your landlord's permission
5. Make holes in the walls
6. Try to repair the gas or electricity supplies or appliances
7. Bully your neighbours
9. Break the law Laws are the rules that everyone in the country has to follow. If you don't follow the rules you can get in trouble with the police. in your neighbourhood
10. Let anyone who breaks the law in the neighbourhood visit your home or live with you
11. Move out without telling your landlord
Your landlord must:
1. Let you live in your home in peace – this means they cannot just turn up and expect to be let in, they must inform you that they will be visiting, or that someone else will be visiting to do repairs.
2. Keep your home in good repair
3. Protect Protect means keeping someone or something safe. your deposit
A deposit is the money which you paid before you moved into your home.
4. Give you their contact details
Your landlord must not:
1. Let themselves into your home
2. Let other people into your home unless it is an emergency.
3. Bully or harass you
4. Expect you to leave without taking the correct steps
5. Ask you to do other things instead of paying rent
6. Increase your rent without taking the correct steps
If you need further advice:
You can telephone the Learning Disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. Helpline on 0808 808 1111
You can email the Learning Disability Helpline on Helpline@mencap.org.uk