What is rent?
What is rent?
Rent is the money that you pay to live in your home when you have a tenancy.
Your home belongs to your landlord, but you have a right to live there as long as you follow the rules that are in your tenancy agreement.
Usually, you must pay your rent to your landlord every month, or every four weeks.
If you don’t have a lot of money, you might be able to claim Housing Benefit, which helps you to pay your rent.
If you are on Universal Credit you will get more money to help you pay your rent.
This is called the Housing Element of Universal Credit.
If you cannot pay your rent, you must contact your landlord to let them know.
If you are struggling to pay for your home, contact the Learning Disability Helpline to check if you are on the right benefits.
If you do not pay your rent on time, your landlord may ask you to leave your home.
If your landlord asks you to leave your home, do not leave and contact the Learning Disability Helpline for advice.
You can telephone the Learning Disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. Helpline on 0808 808 1111
You can email the Learning Disability Helpline at Helpline@mencap.org.uk