These are the terms and conditions of the Royal Mencap Society website and all other Mencap websites, and they are the"Rules" of how You may use the website.
The website is owned by the Royal Mencap Society and its registered office is 6 Cyrus Way, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8HP. Its registered company number is 550457 and it is an English registered charity under number 222377 and a Scottish registered charity under number SC041079)
Anyone who uses this website will be called "You" in these Rules
Royal Mencap Society will be called "Mencap" or "We" in these Rules
Conditions of use
If You use this website You are agreeing to these Rules from the date that You first use it.
Mencap may change these Rules, and if You use the site after any changes have been made You are agreeing to the new Rules.
These are also the Rules for using any other websites owned by Mencap if they have a link to this website.
These Rules apply to any use of the site including any donations You may make on this website.
If You register to take part in an event or competition on this website there may be other rules that You need to agree to so that you can take part. If those rules say anything different to these Rules then You must follow the rules of the event or competition where they are different.
You must not use this website to do anything that is unlawful, or that would affect anyone else's rights Rights are the things everyone should be allowed to do like have a say, or go to school. , or would stop or spoil anyone else's use of the website.
Copyright and reproduction of content
Mencap owns the name and logo of Mencap and it is registered as a trade mark number 2484515A. You cannot use it without first getting Mencap's permission.
Mencap owns or has been allowed to use the materials, pictures or videos on this website. If any materials, pictures or videos on this website are owned by someone else, it will say they are, and then You will need to ask that person's/ organisation An organisation are a group of people who work together. ’s permission to use them.
Everything on this website is for information only and You may only use it for Your own use and must not use it for any commercial gain.
You can use the information on this website to share it with other people as long as You say it came from Mencap.
You must not change any information, pictures or videos that You get from this website. You must only use information, pictures or videos exactly as they appear on the website, and if You use a video that You got from this website You must not use just part of it.
Privacy and data protection
Please read Mencap's privacy notice here.
Website links
This website has links for Your information to other websites not owned by Mencap. Mencap is not responsible for anything in any website that it does not own. Mencap does not endorse these websites and cannot say if any information on such websites is accurate or correct.
You are responsible for checking if the information on any other websites that You link to from this website is accurate or correct and for anything that you might buy from another website. Mencap is not responsible for Your use of any websites not owned by Mencap.
If You wish to create a link to this website You must get permission from Mencap before doing so. If You do wish to create a link, please ask by contacting
Public areas
Mencap is not responsible for anything that You or other people post on any public area of this website, including any bulletin boards, or forums.
Mencap does not check everything posted in any public areas and so You are responsible for what You post.
Mencap can remove or edit anything that You post in any public area, without telling You if we think that it is inappropriate in any way, for example; if Mencap thinks it is defamatory, obscene, indecent, discriminatory, threatening Threatening is when someone says they are going to do something bad to you or others. , breaches any copyright or trade mark, is intended to solicit business, contains viruses or corrupted files or is otherwise unlawful.
By posting anything on any public area You are agreeing that Mencap can use what You have posted on any other part of the website and in any other Mencap publications, unless You tell us we cannot,
Security of payments
Any payments made via this website are processed via SecureTrading Ltd.
Although this website uses encryption security software in areas where online payment details are accepted, we cannot guarantee the security of information and payments processed on the internet.
If You suffer any loss when You give any payment information in an email or other internet links this is Your responsibility Responsibility is managing or being in charge of something. and Mencap and its agents will not be liable.
This website is for information only and, You should not rely on information on this website as being professional advice on any matter. You should get Your own advice before taking or not taking any action because of any information You may have seen on this site.
Mencap cannot guarantee that Your use of this website will not be interrupted or that this website is free from errors, viruses or bugs, so You must take Your own action to protect Protect means keeping someone or something safe. Your own computer before downloading information from the site.
Mencap cannot accept liability for any damages whatsoever including, indirect or consequential damages, loss of profits, as a result of Your use or loss of use of this website or from downloading any virus.
The laws of England and Wales apply to this website and any disputes about the use of this website will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales.