Let's talk about safeguarding - What is abuse?
Let's talk about safeguarding - What is abuse?

What is safeguarding?
Keeping people safe from being hurt, abused, or neglected is called safeguarding.

Write or draw what safeguarding could look like:

Abuse is when someone bullies you and does or says something to you that makes you feel hurt, upset or scared.
Some forms of abuse are also criminal acts, and the police may need to be
Involved is being included in something or taking part in something.

Neglect is when you are not being cared for or supported.

What are the different types of abuse?

1 Physical abuse
Physical abuse
Physical abuse is when someone hurts you.This can be things like hitting you, biting you or kicking you.The person hurting you may use a
A weapon us a tool which is used to hurt someone like a knife.
or an object to hurt you.
is when someone hurts you.
This can be things like hitting you, biting you or kicking you.
The person hurting you may use a weapon or an object to hurt you.

2. Emotional abuse
This is when someone makes fun of you or makes you feel bad.
This can be saying things that hurt you, shouting at you or
Threatening is when someone says they are going to do something bad to you or others.
It could be where someone is
Manipulating is when someone gets you to do something. It can happen without you knowing you are being controlled to do something.
you to do things.

3. Neglect and self-neglect
Neglect where someone is not cared for properly and is not given what they need. Neglect is often by someone else,
Self-neglect is where a person does not take care of themselves.
is where the person does not take care of themselves.

Examples of neglect could be:
- Not being given food that the person can eat
- Not washing the person or supporting their personal care
- Not being given medicines the person needs.

4. Sexual abuse
This is when someone touches your private parts or body in ways you don't want or like.
It is also when someone makes you do sexual things that make you feel angry, scared or sad.
It is wrong for someone to show you films or photos of sex that you don't want to see.

5. Financial abuse
This is when someone takes your money or things that belong to you without asking.
This is also when someone convinces you to spend money on them.

6. Mate crime
A crime is when someone does something wrong and breaks the
Laws are the rules that everyone in the country has to follow. If you don't follow the rules you can get in trouble with the police.
is when someone says they are your friend, but they do things that
take advantage of
Taking advantage of someone is when they are being asked to do something, or get something that the other person needs.
you, like asking you for money a lot.

7. Hate crime
Hate crime
hate crime
Hate crime is when someone does something to hurt someone because of who they are.This could be because of things like their race,
Sexuality is how you feel about yourself and your body. It is about finding out and knowing what feels right for you.
or disability.
is when someone is hurt or bullied because of things like: their disability or their
Religion is to do with the things you believe about the world. For example you may believe there is a god or something else. Examples of religions are Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.
is when someone does something to hurt someone because of who they are.
This could be because of things like their race, sexuality or disability.
Read our Mate and Hate crime page for more information.

8. Modern slavery
This is when someone forces you to work for very little money or no money at all.

9. Domestic abuse
This is when a member of your family or someone you are in a relationship with,
To threaten someone is to say you are going to do something bad to them if they don’t do what you want them to do.
, hurts or abuses you.
10. County lines
County lines
County lines is where illegal drugs are moved from one area to another. This could be different parts of the country. Sometimes
Being vulnerable means being at risk of harm, or that you need special care because of your age or disability.
people are forced into this by gangs.The County line is the mobile phone used to take the order of drugs.
is where illegal drugs are moved from one area to another. This could be different parts of the country.
Sometimes vulnerable people are forced into this by gangs.
The County line is the mobile phone used to take the order of drugs.

11. Cuckooing
Sometimes a criminal might take over a vulnerable person's home to sell drugs from.
This is known as
Sometimes a criminal might take over a vulnerable person's home to sell drugs from. This is known as cuckooing.
Cuckooing may happen with County lines and
Financial abuse
Financial abuse is when someone takes your money or things that belong to you without asking.This is also when someone gets you to spend money on them.

12. Radicalisation
Radicalisation is when a person comes to believe, and be involved with, very bad and violent groups.It can happen when a person becomes involved in terrorism.This can also happen after watching
Certain means you are sure about something.
videos on the internet.
is when a person comes to believe, and be involved with, very bad and violent groups.
It can happen when a person becomes involved in terrorism.
This can also happen after watching certain videos on the internet.

Try our quiz about abuse

What type of abuse can you see?
Write what kind of abuse you think is happening in each of these pictures.
The first one has been done for you.

If someone kicks and punches you.

If someone steals your money.

If someone makes you sell drugs.

To find out more about abuse, and how you can report it, read our Let's talk about safeguarding - Responding to abuse
Easy Read
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. Pictures are usually added next to the writing.

If you need help urgently we have some useful contact numbers on our Crisis advice page, but where there is an immediate risk of harm you should call 999.
For safeguarding advice you can contact the Learning Disability Helpline.