Let's talk about safeguarding - Responding to abuse
Let's talk about safeguarding - Responding to abuse
Getting help from someone about abuse and neglect if you see abuse
If you have been abused or neglected, or you see abuse, you are probably scared or upset.
Do you know someone who has the knowledge Knowledge is knowing a lot about something. and experience Experience is when you have learned or tried something before. in how to support you?
Tell them what has happened. They will support you to report it to the police.
Write down the people you can talk to.
You can draw or add pictures if you want to.
What happens when I report abuse?
Speak to someone you know and trust. This person may be someone who supports you.
They will listen to you, and they will need to write down what you say.
This person could be a family member or friend.
Family members and friends can be advocates Advocates means supporting or speaking up for someone or something. and supporters.
You will then get help and support to report the abuse or neglect.
You will be asked what you want to happen, and your feelings will be taken into account!
You will also be asked about the people you want involved Involved is being included in something or taking part in something. so you have all the support you need.
You may be asked if you want to make a plan to keep you safe.
You can have other people help you with this.
Write or draw somethings that are important to you to feel supported when you report abuse.
This could be having a friend with you or being given more time to answer questions.
Will what I say be kept a secret?
We cannot keep secrets! But we can make sure the information we share is confidential Confidential means something is private. .
Confidential means that the only people who will know are the people who can help you.
Other people may need to know, but you should always be asked before.
If the police are supporting you, someone else you trust can also help you and be with you.
Write or draw the person or persons you would want to be with you if you had to report abuse.
Do I have to report abuse?
We all have rights Rights are the things everyone should be allowed to do like have a say, or go to school. as human beings and there are laws that protect Protect means keeping someone or something safe. these rights. The law Laws are the rules that everyone in the country has to follow. If you don't follow the rules you can get in trouble with the police. that tells us all these rights is called the Human Rights Human rights are the rights that everyone has. These include the right to go to school and the right to start a family. Act (1998).
The Human Rights Act says we have a right to life!
This means the police and support staff where you live should keep us safe if we are in danger.
Another law we need to know about is called 'The Care Act (2014).
This act helps us know what abuse is, and what we can do if we see it.
We have a right to be treated in a way that is respectful and doesn't make us feel scared, sad or hurt.
The Care Act (2014) says that Mencap must work with other organisations Organisations are groups like companies and businesses. to help keep people safe.
The Care Act (2014) also says that Mencap and everyone else when someone is being abused or neglected. It gives details on how to keep people safe.
Mencap and other organisations have a duty of care to help with any issues that could hurt you.
Duty of care means Mencap cannot ignore abuse. We have to do something about it.
We also have the right to feel free and safe.
When someone hurts us, it is very important to tell someone else about it.
Most people will have freedom to make their own choices, or some won't and will have people to do it for them.
Reporting abuse
If you need to report abuse or neglect:
- Remember some forms of abuse are also crimes. The police may need to be involved.
- Speak to a friend, family member or support worker Support workers Support workers are people who are paid to give care and support to people who need it. are people who are paid to give care and support to people who need it. if you are not sure.
Step 1:
You see that abuse has happened, or you have been abused.
Step 2:
The person needs to get to a place of safety. This will be the responsibility Responsibility is managing or being in charge of something. of the staff member at the service.
If you have been abused go somewhere safe or go to someone who can keep you safe.
Step 3
If you think a crime has happened call the police!
If you do not know, call someone who can help you.
Mencap takes safeguarding Keeping people safe from being hurt, abused, or neglected is called Safeguarding. very seriously.
We want everyone to be able to live their life safely and with respect.
For more information visit our Let's talk about safeguarding - What is abuse? Easy Read page.
If you, or someone you know needs help urgently, we have some useful contact numbers on our Crisis advice page, but where there is an immediate risk of harm you should call 999.
For safeguarding advice you can contact the Learning Disability Helpline.