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Woman using wheelchair talking to young man sat next to her.

PMLD - Involve Me

Involve Me was a project about ways of involving people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) in decision-making and consultation.

Involve Me was a 3 year project about how to creatively involve people with profound and multiple disabilities (PMLD) in decision making.

Involve Me aims to increase the involvement of people with PMLD in decision making and consultation. The Involve Me summary booklet and practical guide below are a result of the 3 year project, supported by the Renton Foundation and run by Mencap in partnership with the British Institute of Learning Disability (BILD).

People with PMLD and staff took part by learning about using different approaches to communication: sharing stories, creative communication, peer advocacy and multimedia advocacy.

Involve Me booklet, practical guide and evaluation

The Involve Me summary booklet is a summary of the different ways of working with people who often get left out because we can find it difficult to understand their communication, or are worried about getting it wrong.

The Involve Me practical guide is the full version, which looks at this in greater depth.

The Involve Me evaluation is an independent report into the project.

The documents pull together what we learned from people working creatively to support communication, understand preferences and involve people with PMLD:

Watch this video about the Involve Me project

Further resources and guides

Here are some guides and resources relevant to involving people with PMLD

About PMLD

People with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) are, like everyone else, unique individuals.

But, sometimes it's helpful to talk about groups of people who:

  • have common concerns
  • distinctive needs
  • face barriers to be included
  • need help to fight for their equal rights .

We bring people with PMLD and their families, carers and advocates together with statutory and voluntary agencies. We share good practice, we campaign and we provide information and support. 

We want to make sure people with PMLD are fully included in society.

Read the PMLD network definition of profound and multiple learning disabilities:

This gives an overview of who has profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) and what their needs are.

Communication guidance

Intensive interaction

Intensive interaction is a practical approach to interacting with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, who do not find it easy communicating or being social.

The BILD PDF factsheet on Intensive interaction explains communication and people with the most complex needs, what works and why this is essential.

Communication and people with the most complex needs

Read Communication and people with the most complex needs: what works best PDF report by Juliet Goldbart and Sue Caton.

Raising Our Sights communication guide

Read the Raising Our Sights PDF guide about communicating with people with PMLD.

Involve Me awareness session plan

The Involve Me awareness PDF session plan provides materials to aid you in your presentation about Involve Me to present to your work or group meeting.

Involve me session plan presentation

The Involve Me session plan PDF presentation can hep you with your presentation about PMLD. You can use this guide for your PowerPoint or slideshow.

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