There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability . People with a learning disability are less likely to have a job than the general population. 6% of adults with a learning disability known to their local authority in England are in paid work.

These resources, specifically designed for use in your work, will help you and your colleagues raise awareness and raise vital funds to support people with a learning disability across the UK

A graphic divider
Image of the front of the About Mencap postcard
About Mencap postcard
Image of the Ways to Pay flyer
Ways to pay guide
Image of the fundraising thermometer poster
Fundraising thermometer poster
Image of the make a difference poster
Make a difference poster
Image of a blank branded poster to fill out
Branded, blank poster
Image of the e-signature to add under email and letter signatures
Front cover of the corporate fundraising guide
Corporate fundraising guide