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Resources for employers

Information for employers who want to work with people with a learning disability.

Employing people with learning disabilities

Mencap’s 2022 Big Learning Disability Survey found that only 26.7% of working age adults with a learning disability are currently in paid work. That same year Mencap commissioned the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTI) to conduct some further research into employment of people with a learning disability which found that:

1.25 million

positions in the UK labour market are unfilled 


of people with learning disabilities not currently in work would like a job

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Those who were already employed when they spoke to our researchers were asked what kind of work they did. 


worked in an office


worked in health and social care


worked in hospitality

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worked in retail


worked in a different sector

Many of the people who were asked about the type of job they do stated ‘other’.
This research showed us that there's a vast amount of different types of work people with learning disabilities can do.

Source: NDTI (2022) 'Work and Learning Disability Research', pages 6, 18-19 and 20.

Fact sheets for employers

We have put together a series of fact sheets which you can download. These cover questions and topics in relation to hiring people with learning disabilities that are often raised by employers.

To find out more about the research conducted by NDTi, or if you have a question about our fact sheets, please contact our Education , Skills and Work team.

Contact us

Find out more about the NDTI research

National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTI) research helps better understand what people with a learning disability want when it comes to work, and why so few people with a learning disability are able to access or maintain paid work.

Read the summaries of their research.

Women sat at a table

Our employment services

No one understands better than us that work is about more than just having a job. Being able to work can give you confidence, independence and the means to realise bigger dreams.

If you have a learning disability or a family member who does, find out more about how we can support people into finding paid work. 

Find out more

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