About Mencap's CQC ratings
We manage services at 71 registered locations across England, all of which are regulated and are subject to inspection by the Care Quality Commission (all have been inspected).
Of those inspected...
- 4 services have been rated as Outstanding
- 61 are Good
- 6 Require Improvement
This means our overall CQC compliance rating is 91.5%
(data gathered 20/01/2025)
View our current CQC ratings
The Care Quality Commission rates each of our services as Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvements or Inadequate.
Click each of the categories below to see how our services have been rated. Or you can use the map below to browse services by location.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domiciliary Care Agency
East Sussex Domiciliary Care Agency
Hertfordshire Domiciliary Care Agency
Leicestershire Community Support Scheme
Mencap - Dorset Support Service
Mencap - East Cornwall Support Service
Mencap - Mansfield Domiciliary Care Agency
Mencap - March Domiciliary Care Agency
Mencap - Merseyside and Lancashire Support Service
Mencap - Newark Domiciliary Care Agency
Mencap - Surrey and Sussex Supported Living
Mencap - Teeside Domiciliary Care Agency
Mencap - West Suffolk Domiciliary Care Agency
Mencap Derbyshire and Derby City Domiciliary Care Agency
Northamptonshire Domiciliary Care Agency
North East Domiciliary Care Agency
North Hants, Beds and Bucks Domiciliary Care Office
Royal Mencap Society - 145 Kingsley Road
Royal Mencap Society - 17 Flaxfield Road
Royal Mencap Society - 178 London Road
Royal Mencap Society - 2 Conroy Close
Royal Mencap Society - 22 Lamberts (Daisy)
Royal Mencap Society - 25 Barossa Road
Royal Mencap Society - 32 Kings Lane
Royal Mencap Society - 6 Lamberts (Foxglove)
Royal Mencap Society - 62 Wright Street
Royal Mencap Society - 71 Middleton Avenue
Royal Mencap Society - Essex Domiciliary Care
Royal Mencap Society - Domiciliary Care Services and Shared Lives - West London
Royal Mencap Society - Drummond Court
Royal Mencap Society - Hull Domiciliary Care Agency
Royal Mencap Society - Rotherham and Sheffield Domiciliary Care Agency
Royal Mencap Society - Woodlands Residential Home
Requires Improvement
Ipswich Domiciliary Care Agency
Royal Mencap Society - Central Hampshire*
Royal Mencap Society - Domiciliary Care Services - North London*
Royal Mencap Society - Norfolk Domiciliary Care Agency
*Sometimes when we receive a 'Requires Improvement' rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), they issue us with a Requirement Notice.
They do this because:
- They consider we are in breach of a legal requirement
- We need to improve care standards
- The people using our service are not at immediate risk of harm
When we receive a Requirement Notice, we must send a report to the CQC to say what action we are going to take. The Requirement Notice remains in place until the CQC has re-inspected the location.
We currently have 6 services where the CQC has issued us with a Requirement Notice(s) and these are our action plans:
Action plan for Royal Mencap Society - Domiciliary Care Services - North London
We do not have any services rated as Inadequate.
Services not yet inspected
All our services have been inspected.
Browse by location
How we achieve high quality in our services
Mencap is committed to being open about the quality of services we offer people with a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
We believe that everybody should have the best quality of life. This means we continually improve the quality of services that we offer.
All our services work within our quality and practice framework, What Matters Most and our practice framework.
When we get a Requires Improvement or Inadequate rating
We take it very seriously when a service is rated as Requires Improvement or Inadequate, because this means that the quality of life for people in services isn't as good as it should be.
If this happens, the Quality team will support our operational colleagues within the service as soon as possible to develop and monitor an improvement plan (the 5 P's).

Types of service
There are four key types of service that we provide. Click each of the service types below to find out more.

Residential Care Home
care home
A care home is a place where people who need support live. There are staff there all the time.
is a place where personal care and accommodation are provided together.
People may live in the service for short (
Respite is when a person goes somewhere for a few hours or days to have a break. People with a learning disability can have respite from their carers and family, and carers and family can have respite from the people they care for.
) or long periods of time. For many people, it is their sole place of residence and so it becomes their home, although they do not legally own or rent it.
Both the accommodation and the care that people receive are regulated by CQC.
Domiciliary Care
Domiciliary Care is where we provide personal care to people living in their own home in order to promote their
Independence means doing things on your own. Making your own choices.
Supported Living
Supported Living
Supported living is when you live in your own home with support from staff. People who live in supported living have a tenancy agreement.
is where we provide care and/or support to people living in their own homes. The needs of people may vary greatly - they may require additional support with household tasks, personal care or any other activity that allows them to maintain their independence and quality of life.
If the person requires support with personal care (e.g. washing, bathing or cleaning themselves, getting dressed or going to the toilet), then this support is regulated by CQC.
Shared Lives
Shared Lives is care and/or support provided by individuals, couples and families who have approved and trained for that role by the service registered with CQC.
We appreciate your feedback
We're always happy to be told when we've done something well, but equally, if you feel dissatisfied or unhappy about something that we've done, please contact us about your concerns.
Email us at complaints@mencap.org.uk or complete our online feedback form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.