Volunteer Agreement

Volunteers are an important and valued part of Mencap. We hope that you enjoy volunteering with us and feel a full part of our team. Following the guidance in this document will help us to do the best we can to provide you with a safe and enjoyable volunteering experience.

This agreement tells you what you can expect from us, and what we hope from you. We aim to be flexible, so please let us know if you would like to make any changes and we will do our best.  

What you can expect from Mencap:

  • We will discuss and agree with you what tasks you will be doing and when
  • We will introduce you to how we work and give you the training you need
  • You will have a Volunteer Manager who will support you and keep you up to date with any changes
  • We will provide a safe place to volunteer and we put your wellbeing first
  • Insurance cover for your agreed activities
  • To feel included and part of the Mencap team
  • You will be treated with respect and kindness 
  • We will listen to your feedback, concerns and complaints and try to resolve them fairly
  • We will give you an opportunity to develop your skills and learn new things
  • It’s important to Mencap that you feel valued and appreciated.

I agree to do my best to:

  • Complete training sessions when asked, including annual refresher training 
  • Try to do my best and ask for help or more training if I need it
  • Communicate with my Volunteer Manager or Volunteer Services Co-ordinator if I’m unhappy or have been asked to do something I don’t feel comfortable with
  • Follow Mencap policies including health and safety, confidentiality, safeguarding and IT policies
  • To live our values of Passionate, Inclusive, Brave, Positive and Kind whilst volunteering and in daily life
  • Be reliable and give as much notice as possible if I cannot volunteer
  • Treat others with respect and kindness regardless of who they are
  • Act responsibly and within the law .

This is not a contract.  You can tell us you are leaving and stop volunteering at any time.  Mencap can also end this agreement at any time.

Thank you for agreeing to be a volunteer with Mencap, we hope your experience is very positive.