Primary school fundraising ideas
Primary school fundraising ideas
Looking for a way for your school to get
Involved is being included in something or taking part in something.
? From the classic bake sale to a twist on the dress-down day, there are lots of ways for pupils, staff and parents to get involved and raise vital funds for Mencap.
Autumn Term
One Big Walk – tie up those shoelaces and get your school involved in One Big Walk during September. Choose your distance, route and get raising funds with every step! Find out more about One Big Walk.
Bake sale – a classic for a reason! Get everyone baking up some tasty treats to sell to raise money. How about setting a Halloween or Christmas theme for your bake sale to add an extra level of fun?
School cookbook – ask staff to submit family recipes and put together a cookbook, sharing who each recipe came from. Get the book printed online or sell digital copies to parents.
Dress Your Own Way – a twist on the ‘Dress-down day’. Whether you do it for Halloween, Christmas, or ask pupils, and staff, to come dressed as their favorite character in return for a small donation.
Mencap Merry Disco – dust of the dancing shoes and hold your own Mencap Merry Disco. You’ll be able to download our playlist of Christmas songs to play on the day too! Learn the dance.
Spring Term
Learn a new skill – ask pupils to get sponsored to learn a useful new skill. What a great way to start the new year!
Rock Your Socks – Celebrate World
Down Syndrome
Down syndrome, also known as Down's syndrome, is a type of disability. People with Down syndrome may find it hard to learn new things and may need support. They may have more problems with their health too.
Day on 21 March by wearing your funkiest socks! Add to the fun and organise a Rock Your Socks party, quiz or bake sale. Find out more about Rock Your Socks.
Smarties challenge – ask pupils to fill a smarties tube with money that they’ve earnt from doing jobs around the house. A smarties tub can hold about £.3.50 worth of 5p pieces; £12-worth of 20p pieces; or best of all, £27 worth of £1 coins.
Book swap – encourage pupils to keep reading by asking them to bring in books that they have finished reading or no longer want. Pupils can then make a small donation for a ‘new’ book from those donated.
Sponsored silence – normally we’d want you to shout about your fundraising, but not this time! Whether for a single lesson, or the whole day, ask pupils to get sponsored for seeing how long they can stay quiet.
Read-a-thon – challenge students to get reading while getting sponsored. Whether it’s so much per book, or per page, this is a great way to raise money and encourage reading.
Sponsored competition – hold a competition and get pupils to pay a small fee to enter. Whether it’s a drawing competition, jigsaw puzzle race, Lego building contest or something else, it’ll be a fun way to raise funds.
Summer Term
Open air cinema/Movie night – show a film on the big screen, either in the hall or out on the field, using a projector and charge for tickets. You could also sell popcorn and other cinema snacks to raise even more.
Parents sports day – hold a parent’s race on sports day and ask parents for a donation to take part. You could also have a prize for the winner!
Mini Olympics – put on your own mini Olympics with events such as tennis ball shotput, paper plate discus, paper plane archery and classics such as the egg-and-spoon race and relay races. Pupils pay a donation to take part and help their team win the most events. You could also hold your own opening and closing ceremony.
Sleep over – pupils will love the idea of spending the night at school at a sleep over! You’ll need lots of helpers to make sure everything goes safely and smoothly. Or how about having a family sleepover and getting families to pitch a tent on the school field.
Teacher baby photo competition – ask teachers and other school staff to bring in a photogragh of themselves as a baby. For a donation, pupils have to match the baby photo to the member of staff they think it is.
Charity of the Year - support Mencap all year round by making us your Charity of the Year. It’s a great way to get pupils engaged and learn about the work we do to support people with learning disabilities.