Better Together information pack: 2. What matters most?
The Better Together pack has been split into different documents, each covering a different area of information about Mencap and our services; including how we work with the people we support, and the importance of building and maintaining strong
Relationships are about the people in your life. You might have different types of relationships like friendships, family relationships, or a boyfriend or girlfriend.
with their family and friends.
Unless stated otherwise, all sections of the information pack are applicable to England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The information on this page follows the Welcome to Mencap section of the Better Together information pack.
What is the What Matters Most App?
What Matters Most (sometimes referred to as the WMMA) is an app that Mencap has developed based on our quality framework of the same name. We introduced it alongside other digital tools to reduce paperwork and allow our support teams to focus on the things that are most important to the people we support- their wants, needs and quality of life.
Why have we taken this approach?
Our vision at Mencap is for the UK to be the best place in the world for people with a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
to live happy and healthy lives. Our support teams told us that spending less time on paperwork in services would allow them to spend more time providing excellent support. We work proactively to modernise our approach to recording and storing information to ensure we have the best systems in place to achieve this.
What does it do?
The app allows support teams to record information more easily, have quicker access to support plans and risk assessments and share that information between colleagues digitally. It is accessed using either a smartphone or iPad.
What are the benefits?
The What Matters Most App:
- Improves the speed at which our teams can enter and access information.
- Recording and reporting is together in one place, making it easier to access and monitor. It is safer and can only be accessed by designated people.
- We can use data to identify patterns and improve the support we provide to people.
- Reduces the cost of stationary, improves the quality of recording and removes unwanted folders and paper from people’s homes.
- Has been developed and built within Mencap. People across Mencap are
Involved is being included in something or taking part in something. at every stage of updates and improvements made to the app, ensuring we produce something that meets the needs of people we support and services
Frequently asked questions
What data do we hold and how do we keep it safe?
We record all the same data as previously recorded, only digitally rather than on paper. Data is stored securely, complying with GDPR and our own data protection policies. All users must have a unique login to gain access, so we know who has accessed and entered information.
Who can access it?
Mencap employees who work in the service can access information about a person. A service
A manager is a boss at work. They tell you what you need to do and give you support if you need it.
can control who is able to access a service and which people they are able to see. We can also provide agency workers time-limited access when they are working in a service.
Can a family member or someone outside Mencap access the app?
If a person consents to the sharing of information, we are able to do this in person with a staff member present, we can also pull reports and print documents. Currently we don’t have an option for direct external access but this is something that we are looking at developing.
What happens if there is a problem with the app or you lose access to the internet?
We have contingency plans in place in all of our services for what to do in the event of a service outage.
The next section of the Better Together information pack is How does Mencap support people in a person centred way?