Looking for inspiration?
We’ve got lots of ideas for how you can raise funds from your own home to support people with a learning disability across the UK.
Whether you’re getting creative in the kitchen, hosting virtual hang-outs with friends and family online or getting fit with Joe Wicks’ workouts at home.
We've got something for you.
Get in touch
We hope the ideas below help with some inspiration.
We’d love to hear about your ideas and support you in any way we can, please get in touch by emailing community.fundraising@mencap.org.uk.
Move for Mencap
There are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK. To help us support them, we’re going to be setting a challenge for our whole Mencap family – let's get moving for Mencap!
For one week from 27 July, you can help us by completing your very own challenge around the number 1.5. You could run 15km, do 150 press ups, or dance to 15 songs - it’s up to you, so get creative and do something you enjoy!

Other ideas
Donate your lunch
Ask a group of your colleagues to pool together and donate the money you would’ve spent on shop bought lunches or your commute whilst you’re all working from home. Set up a Virgin Money Giving page and make it a weekly donation!
Hold a virtual quiz
You’re the Quiz Master. Put together 4 rounds of questions and invite your friends, family and colleagues to take part and donate £5 to play
Fundraise with your kids!
Host an indoor challenge event such as who can do the most handstands or keepie uppies?
Or, why not challenge your kids to raise money by completing tasks like cooking, washing up and tidying their rooms, with prizes for meeting their goals?

How your money helps
"We're lucky to have modern day technology which can help us keep in touch with our friends and families at difficult times like these with the coronavirus pandemic.
"You can fundraise by setting up a virtual fundraising event on apps like Skype or Zoom to support people like me, who have a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
, to live the lives we choose."
- Harry, Mencap ambassador and communications assistant

Your funds are making a real difference
The money you raise will help us support people with a learning disability live the life they choose:
£100 could provide 1 week of support for a person with a learning disability who needs extra help in their home
£200 could pay for a special day out at an activity centre for people with a learning disability, helping to boost their confidence and learn new skills
£400 could pay for a person with a learning disability to complete a 13 week training course to help them find long term employment
Pay in your fundraising
We appreciate all the money you raise for Mencap.
The money you raise will help support people with a learning disability across the UK.
Pay in your fundraising through our online form.