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Write to your MP or campaign locally using these resources

A picture of the letter template to use to write to your local MP
Letter template to your MP
An image of the letter template to write to MPs with a Top Tips sticker over it
How to write to an MP
A woman looking for guidance with a picture of big ben behind her
Guide to local government
a reporter with a radio microphone talking to a man in a coat and hat
Local media toolkit
A picture of the two sides of the advertising leaflet template
Advertising leaflet template
The front cover of the full Accessible Activism Resource Pack
The complete resource pack

Restrictions of use

The resources on this page, co-created by the Mencap Campaigns and Activism team and activists with a learning disability, will help you campaign for change locally..

These do not, or intend to, represent legal advice. The information provided is for support only.

Read the restrictions
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