Event information

When: Sunday 6 April 2025 

Where:  Central London  

Start time: 9am 

Registration fee: £25  

We then ask you to raise a minimum of £350 to support our work with people with a learning disability .

Why join #TeamMencap?

This race offers something really unique, celebrating London’s wonderful culture and heritage every step of the way. Discover London’s hidden secrets.

By signing up and raising funds for Mencap you will be helping us to support people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives.


Already have a place?

If you’ve secured your own place with the event organisers, you can still join #TeamMencap and raise vital funds to support people with a learning disability. Just email events@mencap.org.uk to join us.  


Any questions?

If you have any questions about this event please contact our events team.

Phone 020 7696 6946

Email events@mencap.org.uk.

Read our Terms and conditions for more information.
