Work Capability Assessments
Work Capability Assessments
After you have applied for New Style Employment and Support Allowance (New Style ESA), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will decide if you need to have a Work Capability Assessment.
A Work Capability Assessment is to help work out if your disability or health condition affects how much you can work.
If you need to have a Work Capability Assessment, you will need to fill in a form called a Capability for Work questionnaire. The form is also called a ESA50.
You might also have to have an assessment so the DWP can find out more about your disability or health condition.
The assessment might take place face-to-face, by phone or by video.
If you want some help or support, you can have someone with you at the assessment like a family member, friend or support worker Support workers Support workers are people who are paid to give care and support to people who need it. are people who are paid to give care and support to people who need it. .
The person doing the assessment will ask you questions about how easy or difficult you find it to do things like:
- standing
- sitting
- understanding information
- communicating information.
You should tell them how easy or difficult it would be for you do these things for a long time and...
if you would need any help to do them.
The assessment will help the DWP to work out if you can get New Style ESA.
If you can get New Style ESA, the assessment will help the DWP to decide which one of these New Style ESA groups you will be in:
- a work-related activity group
- a support group.
If you are in the work-related activity group, you will have to go to interviews with a work coach and get ready to go back to work in the future.
If you are in the support group, you will not have to go to interviews and do not have to get ready to work in the future.
If you can get New Style ESA you will have to agree a plan before you get paid your New Style ESA money.
Find out more in the Your New Style Employment and Support Allowance plan Easy Read.