Global Developmental Delay
Global Developmental Delay

What is global developmental delay?
Global developmental delay is sometimes called developmental delay.

Children with global developmental delay do not start to do things as quickly as other children. For example:
- looking at people
- moving around
- learning to walk
- learning to talk
- holding a toy

If you have Down syndrome or cerebral palsy, you might also have global developmental delay.

Global development delay and learning disability
Some children have global developmental delay for a short time.

They have extra support or therapy and then start to do things at the same age as other children.

Some children need extra support for a long time.

This might be because they also have a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.

Every child is different and will start to do things at different ages.

It is important that your child gets extra support as soon as possible if they have global developmental delay.

Organisations are groups like companies and businesses.
have lots of information and support if your child has global developmental delay:

You can also contact the Learning Disability helpline for more information and support:
- email
- phone 0808 808 1111