Getting help and advice from Mencap - Easy Read

Getting help and advice from Mencap

A woman wearing a telephone headset with a speech bubble showing a sign post to support, help and advice

Mencap have a lot of advice and information for, and about, people with learning disability. 

A large group of people with different needs.

People are all different so we offer different ways for you to find the information you are looking for.

Phone, email and website

How to find information and advice from Mencap

To find information you can:

  • Use our Advice and information hub
  • Visit each page of our advice topics
  • Contact our free helpline service by email or by phone
  • Read our most popular advice pages
  • Read our latest advice pages.
A screenshot of the Advice and information hub which has 3 buttons to find information

The Advice and information hub

At the top of our main advice and support page, there is a Advice and information hub.

The Advice and information hub is a tool with buttons that help you find information.

A laptop showing a cursor on the screen over to the word click

To use the Advice and Information hub you click on the button that best describes you, or the information that you are looking for.

A screenshot of the advice topics area of our advice and support webpage which shows lots of purple links that go to different webpages

Our advice topics

On the advice and support page, you can also find a section called Our advice topics.

This has lots of links to pages that hold information and advice about different topics.

Pictures of; money, a house, a car, furniture, a bike, books and jewellery

A topic is someone or something that has been written or talked about.

Some of the links on our advice topics section go to pages about:

  • Education
  • Money and benefits
  • Health
  • Housing
  • Social care
  • Safety
  • Travel
  • Work and skills.
Helpline adviser on the phone whilst using a computer

Our free helpline service

If you're confused or can't find what you're looking for you can contact our free learning disability help line.

A laptop showing a cursor on the screen over to the word click

Our free helpline service offers advice and support for people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.

To find out how to contact the helpline, read our Learning Disability Helpline Easy Read page.

Screenshot of the Popular content section on the advice and support webpage

Our most popular advice pages

Near the bottom of our advice and support page, there is a section about popular content.

Popular content is the information and advice that most people want to find out about.


A laptop showing a cursor on the screen over to the word click

The popular content section has lots of buttons.

If you click a button it will take you to more information about the topic that is written on it.

A screenshot showing the For parents and the Easy read information tabbed headings

There are two other areas of advice in the popular content section:

  1. Information for parents
  2. Easy Read information.

You just click on the headings that say For parents or Easy read information to buttons to that kind of information.

Screenshot of the latest 3 pages of content made on the Mencap website

Latest advice pages

At the bottom of the advice and support page is a section showing Mencap's latest advice content.

Content means things like writing, photos and artwork.

The latest advice content section shows the newest 3 pages of advice information that Mencap have made.

The 3 pages shown in this section change as more new pages are made.