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"I’m very excited that Mencap got funding from the Motability Foundation for this exciting new project. The aim is to find out how to ensure public transport can be made better for people with a learning disability .

As a Research and Impact Assistant, half of my job now involves working on the Motability project. During the last couple of months, I have worked on designing Mencap’s Big Public Transport survey, which has been designed to find out how adults living with a learning disability in the UK find using public transport."

"I have also been part of designing questions for storytelling interviews that co-researchers will take part in after they have done a video journey. I will also be helping with some of these interviews and the analysis of the survey." - Dan

A head and shoulders picture of Dan outside a stone building

"We have a research group which works on the Motability project. This involves colleagues with a learning disability living in the UK designing the research.

The Motability project is very important. Our aim is to help ensure that public transport is made better for people with a learning disability."

Find out more about Mencap's Big Public Transport survey