My name is William Kettle, I work as a lived experience advisor working in the digital projects team. 

I am here to talk about easy read documents and how they can help people with a learning disability . As part of my job as Lived Experience Advisor I create easy read documents for Mencap.

Easy Read documents are important because they make information more accessible and inclusive to the Learning Disability community .  

I find it helpful when I attend work meetings and the agenda is in easy read format. I think this is also helpful for other colleagues at Mencap with lived experience.

When I began at Mencap I didn’t know how to make easy read documents. Over the last 8 years I have learned so much about easy read, becoming one of the go to people at Mencap for this type of work. I have had to convert many Mencap reports, letters, and other documents into easy read. This was initially difficult for me but now I can do this now because I have recently completed a foundation course on Easy Read with Photosymbols and have had lots of experience doing this.

Take a look at our Easy Read information

We have accessible information on lots of different things like health, benefits, housing, and much more.

Take 5 Beat the Scammers Ismail

I was recently asked to convert the Mencap LGBTQIA+ terms of reference to easy Read so that Mencap colleagues can get the information they vitally need. It was initially a twenty page document which I reduced down to just eight pages of simple text and images.

This was a little bit tricky because there is a lot of text and not enough pictures on some of our documents. I have to make sure I balance the number of pictures with just enough text to make it understandable but also accessible for people with a learning disability

Mencap uses easy read internally to share information with colleagues. There is also an easy read section of the Mencap website. This has information for anyone to access on all different topics including finances , healthcare and employment .  

I think easy read should be available everywhere because it would make information accessible to all.  

Our latest Easy Reads