"Because I have a learning disability, I need extra help to stay healthy and support when I’m unwell," says Harris.

"But it can be really hard for me to use the GP surgery. One of the best things I ever did was speak to my GP about the support I need."

Harris’ doctor asked him questions to help him understand him better, including the best way to communicate with Harris. This was important to make sure that Harris was getting information about his health in a way that worked for him.

"I told my GP about my learning disability and how it affects me. When your GP gets to know you well and understands about your learning disability, you are more likely to get the support you need to stay healthy."

“The GP added my name to the learning disability register. This is a list of people who have a learning disability who the GP surgery looks after in my area.”

Harris' surgery uses the learning disability register to help them know who needs extra support and how best they can support people. It also means people can get extra support to stay healthy, including being invited every year for an annual health check .

“As I’m on the learning disability register the GP asked me if I would like a Covid booster vaccine and a free flu jab every winter.”

If you have a learning disability, you can ask for extra support from your doctor like Harris. Get healthcare that works for you!

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Important! Join the learning disability register

A really important thing to do is make sure you are on the learning disability register.

This register gives you extra help at the doctors.

You’ll get invited to visit the doctor’s each year for a health check and get better access to vaccines. 

Find out more