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Mencap Training Academy

Delivering supported internships to people aged 16-24 with a learning disability, to make the transition from education into work.

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Mencap Training Academy

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Mencap Training Academy is a specialist post 16 provider delivering supported internships. Mencap’s supported internship programme delivers education and training to 16–24-year-olds with a learning disability who have an education, health and care plan. 

Our vision is to effectively support more people with a learning disability to move into paid work.

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Who can do a supported internship?

To join a supported internship you need to:

  • be aged 16 to 24
  • have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • want to find a job.

There are no qualification requirements. 

What does a supported internship involve?

With a Mencap supported internship you will get to do work experience and complete classroom learning about the world of work and skills for the workplace. We also provide additional support for those who need it.

Work experience

Most of the programme is work-based, with learners required to complete at least 420 hours of work experience.

We partner with lots of different employers who offer work experience to our learners. Mencap skills coaches support learners in the workplace, helping them develop their skills and confidence.

Visit our 'Who we work with' page to learn more about employers we work with. 

Classroom learning

Our tutors run sessions at our classrooms that cover topics like how to find and apply for jobs, communication skills and workplace behaviours. We also help learners work toward English and maths qualifications if this is needed.

"Learners learn and work in friendly and nurturing environments where tutors and skills coaches care about them and their futures" - Ofsted, October 2024.

Additional support

A woman showing a young woman in a wheelchair the bus timetable at a bus shelter

 We can also provide extra support should you need it like travel training. 

 We also arrange enrichment activities like sports and trips to  museums and heritage sites that support learning and help to  develop your independence and confidence. 



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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers guidance meetings are available to all learners on our supported internships, with all learners meeting at least once with our careers leader, Maggi Pugh.


A woman having a meeting with a man
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Where can I find a supported internship?

Locations where we deliver the classroom learning elements of our programmes are listed below. Supported internship learners are required to attend these settings 2-days a week. They will then spend the rest of the week in their work experience placement

You can contact the team most local to you using the contact details listed under each location to learn more about the programme and how to enrol, or you can start the enrolment process by completing an expression of interest form.

Unable to find a supported internship near you?

Work experience can potentially be arranged with employers closer to learners' homes.

We may be able to take learners from other, nearby local authority areas.

Pre-internship programmes

For young people who want to find a job but do not yet feel ready to complete as much as 420 hours of work experience in a year, there is also the option to take our pre-internship programme. Like the supported internship, this is a 1-year programme running from September to July. Pre-internship learners, however, complete more classroom activities (around 4 days a week) with more limited work experience and employer engagement. The aim is for learners on these programmes to develop their skills and confidence so that they are ready to progress on to the supported internship programme the following year. 

Our pre-internship study programme is currently available in Birmingham, Northamptonshire, Staffordshire, central, north west and south west London. Contact your local programme coordinator to find out more. 

Who do I contact about a supported internship?

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Please contact your nearest programme coordinator to find out more about programmes in your area and to discuss the enrolment process. Teams at each location aim to respond to all queries within 48 hours*. Alternatively, you can start the enrolment process by completing our online referral form.

If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, then please email either:

Joyce Tainton (Programme Manager for Northampton and Midlands)

or Hiba Momen (Programme Manager for London)

If you would like to compliment Mencap on our work, or to send us feedback about our supported internships, we'd love to hear from you. Please complete our compliments and complaints form

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Provider access statement

In line with the Baker Clause, any provider is encourage to contact us to discuss what they can offer our learners to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence, broaden their horizons and support them into the world of work. Read our statement.

Our Ofsted rating

Ofsted conducted a full inspection of The Mencap Training Academy's provision in October 2024, rating our overall effectiveness as 'Good'. Inspectors found "Learners learn and work in friendly and nurturing environments where tutors and skills coaches care about them and their futures (...) [staff] provide effective support in lessons and at work placements so that learners can achieve their goals."

Read the report. 

Frequently asked questions



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