How Mencap deliver services: It starts with you

Before we recommend any services, we would love to have a chat and get to know you.

If you want, we can also talk to your family, friends or carer. We’ll speak to your social worker too, if they have referred you.

Then we will work with you to do an assessment and make sure that we cover all areas of care and support that you will need. We do this to make sure we really understand you and can support you in the best way possible.

This is then agreed with you, as well as your social worker and local authority – we do this so that we can agree on funding to pay for your support.

Person-centred plan

After assessing your needs, we work with you and anyone else you want to be involved , to make a plan for the support we will deliver. This is called a person-centred plan , because you are central to it.

The plan will detail the services we will provide, with information like who your support workers are, times of your support, and the specific things we need to support you with each day.

It will also include what your goals and aspirations are and how we will help to achieve them.

Two women sitting on a sofa talking

All Mencap support workers are inclusive, enthusiastic and sensitive to each person’s needs. They work with the same person, giving the people we support the reassurance of seeing a familiar face.

Unlike some other support providers, our support workers are given full training when they start working at Mencap. We pay the National Living Wage too – It is important we do this, as if our support workers are happy they provide the best support.

Our services work within the standards set by the Care Quality Commission, the Care Inspectorate Wales (Cymru) and The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Northern Ireland).

What Matters Most

Our own quality standard, What Matters Most, helps us support people with a learning disability in the best possible way. These standards have been developed to cover the things that people have told us are important to them.

A support worker crouches down next to a man in a wheelchair
White space

How to get the support you need

Contact the Learning Disability Helpline for advice and information about the support Mencap can offer. Alternatively, visit our online community - a safe space for parents and carers of people with a learning disability to share their experiences, advice and support.