Mencap compliments policy

Mencap compliments policy

This procedure applies to all colleagues and teams within Mencap. It provides guidance on how we manage and record compliments about our service provision made by external stakeholders.

The policy does not relate to compliments between colleagues - these should be recorded through You Rock.

This policy also does not relate to the activity of any other organisation who uses the Mencap brand. Should we receive a compliment about these organisations , we will share this directly with them.

  • We are committed to providing the highest standard of support and services to people with learning disabilities and their families.
  • We recognise that positive feedback or compliments are essential for celebrating good practice, boosting colleague morale and continuously improving our services.
  • We encourage people to share their positive experiences with us.


This policy explains how we manage, record and respond to compliments from external stakeholders. This may include people we support, families, carers, healthcare professionals or members of the public.

What you will find in this document:

  • What is a compliment?
  • How can someone make a compliment?
  • How do we respond to a compliment?
  • How do we record a compliment?
  • Further support.

What is a compliment?

We define a compliment as any expression of satisfaction or positive feedback which external stakeholders make when they are happy about something we have done or continue to do. They can relate to the smallest of things to something exceptional and may include:

  • Expressions of thanks for a service we provided.
  • Recognition of a colleague or a team going above and beyond.
  • Social media or public reviews celebrating our work.

Compliments may be given:

  • Verbally in person or over the phone
  • In writing in a card, letter, email or social media post.

It is important we capture all the wonderful things people say about us, our work and Mencap.

How can someone make a compliment?

We welcome and encourage compliments through multiple channels, including:

  • In person by speaking directly with a team member or manager
  • Contacting our compliments and complaints team on 0808 196 8424
  • Writing or emailing a local or senior manager
  • Filling out our online feedback form on our website :
  • Completing our Easy Read leaflet and posting it to us at:
    Compliments and complaints team,
    Business Support Centre,
    6 Cyrus Way,
    PE7 8HP.
    This leaflet can also be emailed to: 

How do we respond to a compliment?

When a compliment is received, we must still acknowledge it promptly. The colleague who received the compliment will:

  • Thank the person(s) who shared positive feedback with us and explain that we will share it with the relevant colleague(s) or team.
  • Share the compliment with the relevant manager.

The relevant manager will:

  • Share the compliment with the colleague(s) who the compliment relates to so they can be recognised
  • Send the colleague(s) a You Rock
  • Log the compliment on our system.

How do we record a compliment?

To help us celebrate and learn from our success, we must record compliments we recieve on our compliments form.

Have a question or need more support?

If you need any further support with this policy, you can email Suzanne Stone, Compliments and Complaints Lead at or