Jackie O’Sullivan, Executive Director of
A strategy is a plan to show what an
An organisation are a group of people who work together.
, or a person, wants to do and how they are going to do it.
and Influence at
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
charity Mencap, said:
“Overseas staff are currently filling significant gaps in the under-resourced
social care
Social care means the services that give care and support to people who need it.
workforce and a reduction of international support workers risks causing further unwelcome pressure.
"Our Why We Care
A campaign is when people work together to try to change something.
shines a spotlight on support workers who go above and beyond to care for people with a learning disability. Many Mencap frontline workers told us how much they love their job and the enormous satisfaction it gives them, but many talked about reaching breaking point due to the social care crisis they’re constantly up against.
“We urge
the government
The Government are the people who run the country. They decide how much
Tax is the money that pays for things like schools, hospitals and the police. There are different types of taxes like
income tax
Income tax is the money that is taken out of the money you earn every month. It helps to pay for things we all need like hospitals and schools.
VAT is also called Value Added Tax. VAT is the extra money you pay when you buy things. The money goes to the government to pay for things like schools and hospitals.
council tax
Council Tax is the money that people pay to the council. It helps to pay for things like social care (support for people), parks and dustbin collection.
people should pay for things and how things like the National Health Service should work.
to commit to properly fund social care and bring in workforce reforms as a matter of urgency. Only this can help alleviate the pressures facing our shrinking workforce and ensure that those who rely on social care can access the care and support they need."
For further information or to arrange an
An interview is a meeting where you talk to someone or a group of people about something. When you have an interview for a job, you have to answer questions and say why you would be good at the job. The person who gives the best answers is offered the job.
with a Mencap
A spokesperson is someone who speaks up about something. They usually speak up on behalf of a group or organisation.
, or
case study
A case study is a piece of writing that tells people more information about someone's
Experience is when you have learned or tried something before.
, please contact Mencap’s media team on: media@mencap.org.uk or 02076 965414 (including out of hours).
Notes to editors:
About Mencap:
Mencap exists to ensure the UK is the best place in the world for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives. We support people directly and campaign with people with a learning disability, their families and carers. We work to change laws, increase representation and fight for better health, social care and
Employment means having a job.
opportunities for the 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK.
What is a learning disability?
- A learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability which affects someone for their whole life. Typically, people with a learning disability need more time to learn and process information. They may need extra support to develop skills, complete tasks and interact with others, or they may have more complex needs requiring round-the clock care. The level of support needed is different for everyone and may change during a person’s lifetime.
- Learning disability is NOT a mental illness or a learning difficulty. Often, the term ‘learning difficulty’ is wrongly used in place of ‘learning disability’. Having a learning difficulty (such as ADHD or
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty. People who have dyslexia can find it hard to read, write and spell. ) may mean a person learns at a different pace or in a different way BUT – unlike a learning disability - it does not affect a person’s intellect.
- With the right support, most people with a learning disability can lead happy, healthy, independent lives. At Mencap, it’s our mission to remove societal barriers and shatter misconceptions to make this more possible for more people.
Mencap’s guide to reporting on Learning Disability
When it comes to creating content with people with a learning disability, we know many people feel nervous about saying and doing the wrong thing. Our guide for journalists, covers everything from up-to-date facts and figures to the right language to use. It also includes tips on how to work with people with a learning disability to gather the best content.