Our approach to safeguarding

Mencap have an ‘it could happen here’ attitude so we have robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place.

We want the people we support to feel confident reporting safeguarding concerns to us.

We take all comments seriously and we will act quickly and appropriately.

A group of four people on a sofa laughing and smiling

Mencap's safeguarding policies and procedures

Men in a bar, one standing reaching over the man in the middle in a wheelchair who is sat next to another man
Safeguarding adults policy
Girl with downs syndrome smiling at the camera lying on a rug with her head on her hands
Safeguarding children policy
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The Mencap Safeguarding Panel

Reporting to our Chief Executive, this group of Mencap employee's ensure that we are meeting our safeguarding responsibilities, and give assurance to our Board of Trustees on the quality of the safeguarding practices across Mencap.

Three people sitting at a table and one person standing up talking

Raising a safeguarding concern

Everyone who has any dealings with Mencap should feel confident in the quality of our support and feel safe at all times. 

If you don’t feel this way, please tell us.

Report a concern
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