I’m Rachel, and I’m part of the busy team on Mencap’s Learning Disability Helpline in England, which is a key part of our Information and Advice service.
Alongside Mencap’s two other helplines across the UK, we provide vital information, support and
Guidance means being given clear instructions to be able to do something well.
to people with a learning disability, their families and carers.
I’m sure you’ll agree that people with a learning disability, should never be left feeling helpless, distressed and scared. Right now though, this is the harsh reality, leaving people in a desperate plight.
Our Information and Advice service is often the only place they can turn, but we’re unable to meet the demand for our support. For example, we currently can’t answer 6 in every 10 calls to our Helpline in England. All of our helplines can only be there for the people who need us due to generous donations from people like you, alongside Government support.
Giving whatever you can could make sure we’re able to answer another call and do all that it takes to prevent a crisis.
More and more of the enquiries we receive are critical.
I want to share a recent case with you, and I’ve changed the names to
Protect means keeping someone or something safe.
anonymity. ‘David’ rang me from abroad. Both of his parents had died and he was anxious about ‘Will’, his brother. Will has a learning disability and was about to be evicted from his
supported living
Supported living is when you live in your own home with support from staff. People who live in supported living have a tenancy agreement.
Being overseas, David was anxious about his brother’s welfare. He knew the move to unsupported housing would be disastrous for Will, yet felt powerless to act. Working behind the scenes, we identified a family friend to
An advocate is a person who can help you have your say. An advocate can speak up for you if you find it hard.
for Will. Together, we got the notice rescinded until we found a suitable new home. We fought for a better care plan too, gaining extra support hours. A crisis was narrowly averted.
This is just one example of the immediate difference you could make by donating today – and the huge relief you could give to the family of someone with a learning disability in their time of need.
Our Information and Advice service covers all areas of life, supporting on a range of vital issues.
We pick up the phone to the police on
Keeping people safe from being hurt, abused, or neglected is called Safeguarding.
concerns. We speak to local authorities to escalate the urgent need for benefits or care, or to prevent homelessness. We support where there’s been a preventable death in a hospital of a person with a learning disability, healthcare is lacking, or a loved one has been locked away in a modern-day asylum.
Every moment counts. We simply must be there on the frontline and keep our essential services running.
It’s so rewarding to get the outcomes that people with a learning disability are due. So many enquiries are from family members, tireless in giving their all. It’s inspiring. We mustn’t fail them.
Our Information and Advice services like our Helpline are increasingly a lifeline. Right now, people with a learning disability are struggling because of the inequalities they face daily. This grave situation is made even worse by the cost-of-living crisis and failures in the care system. Help us step in when most needed. Please be the difference by donating to Mencap’s urgent appeal today.

Mencap Learning Disability Helpline

Help us step in when most needed
Our Helplines are a lifeline to so many people, we simply must be there to help.
Your donations keep this essential service running.

400'000+ people accessed our online information each year: November 2022 - October 2023
8,000 Helpline enquiries taken annually: April 2022 - March 2023
25% increase in enquiries on homelessness, healthcare issues and bullying: 2023 compared with 2022
The team now supports more than double the number of safeguarding issues: 2022/23 compared with the previous year
They answer three times more calls where the basic needs of people with a learning disability aren't being met: includes issues with social services, a carer or a hospital: 2023 compared with 2022.
Illustration by Tilly, who has a learning disability and is supported by Mencap.
Phone statistics relate to our Helpline in England.