How to find work at Mencap if you have a learning disability

We are always looking for people who want to join our team.

To find a job at Mencap you can:
- Visit our
A website is a page you can go to on the internet like Google or YouTube. and search our job pages to find a job you like

- Email us at to ask us to send you a list of our jobs

- Phone us on 01733 246699 to ask about the jobs we have on offer.

If you find a job that you like the sound of you will need to apply for it.

How to apply for a job at Mencap
If you found the job on our website, you can apply for it by clicking the 'Apply' button on the page.

If you find applying through the website difficult, call us on 01733 246699 and we will help you apply another way.
Other ways to apply might be by:

- using our Easy Read application form.
This should be posted to: Royal Mencap Society, 6 Cyprus Way, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8HP.

- letter

- audio tape or video.

What to include in your application
If you apply through the form on our website, you will need to answer the questions.

If apply by letter, audio tape or a video, you will need to tell us why you want the job and how you match the job description on the advert.

What happens next?
Every Mencap job has a closing date.
The date will be on the job advert.
After the closing date we will contact you about your application.

If you are successful with your application you will be asked to come along for an
An interview is a meeting where you talk to someone or a group of people about something. When you have an interview for a job, you have to answer questions and say why you would be good at the job. The person who gives the best answers is offered the job.
to meet us.
You will be asked questions about why you want the job and how you match the job description.

If you would like help applying for a job at Mencap please contact our recruitment team by:
- Phone: 01733 246699
- Email:

Are you looking for work somewhere else?
If you have a learning disability and are interested in working for an
An organisation are a group of people who work together.
other than Mencap, visit our employment service pages.
employment service
Employment means having a job.
A service gives people what they need, like healthcare services that help people when they are ill, and support services that give people support.
is a place that can help you get a job. This might be a job centre or an organisation.
can help you find an organisation or company you will enjoy working for.