What's the issue?
In England, 152,000 people with a learning disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. get support from adult social care Social care means the services that give care and support to people who need it. . The care needed varies from person to person, but one thing stays the same – people need this support to live the life they want. From support with washing yourself, to leaving home to see friends and family, social care makes all difference to how someone is able to live.
Despite being essential, social care is not free for everyone. Some people have to pay for all or some of their social care from their disability benefits. This might be someone’s only source of income if they are not able to work.
The Government The Government are the people who run the country. The Government decide how much tax Tax is the money that pays for things like schools, hospitals and the police. There are different types of taxes like income tax Income tax is the money that is taken out of the money you earn every month. It helps to pay for things we all need like hospitals and schools. , VAT VAT is also called Value Added Tax. VAT is the extra money you pay when you buy things. The money goes to the government to pay for things like schools and hospitals. and council tax Council Tax is the money that people pay to the council. It helps to pay for things like social care (support for people), parks and dustbin collection. . people should pay and how things like the National Health Service ( NHS The NHS is the National Health Service. The NHS gives free healthcare to everyone in the UK and includes things like your GP (doctors) surgery and hospitals. ) should work. sets the minimum amount that councils leave someone to live on – the Minimum Income Guarantee – but shockingly this is as little as £74 a week for a single person under 25.
By their own admission*, the Government hasn’t even investigated whether this amount is currently enough for a disabled person to live on.
Campaign for change
We want the Government to increase the Minimum Income Guarantee by at least 10.1% from April 2023. Help us put pressure on the Government to change peoples lives for the better.
Despite being told to take the extra costs of having a disability into account, the way that local authorities calculate a person’s contributions means people with a learning disability often have very little money left to live on.
The Government has committed to increase benefits from April 2023, but notthe Minimum Income Guarantee. If they don’t do the same for the money councils leave social care users with, people with a learning disability risk losing that much-needed extra cash in the blink of an eye.
"They are giving with one hand and taking away with another. It is unfair, wasteful and cruel."
What is Mencap calling for?
Right now, we want the Government to increase the Minimum Income Guarantee by at least 10.1% from April 2023, so that disabled people who receive benefits and social care do not see a real-term cut in their incomes.
In the longer term, benefits should not be counted as someone's income.
People with a learning disability should not be charged for their social care.
What you can do to help
We need our supporters to send a message to their MP asking them to write to the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, urging him to increase the Minimum Income Guarantee.
The Government will make a decision on this on 15 March in the Spring Budget A budget is a plan where you look at how much money you have and how you will spend it. , so we don't have much time.
Will you take action now to help the thousands of people with a learning disability who get care and have too little left to live on?
Answers to frequently asked questions
What is social care?
In England there are 152,000 people with a learning disability who get support from adult social care. This care is additional help that many people need to live the life they want.
This can be anything from help in the home, personal care, and support to go out in the community A community is the people and places in an area. .
Some people might need support for just a few hours a week. While others might need support every day throughout their lives.
I thought that social care was free if you had less than £23,500?
This isn’t always the case. The local authority will look at whether someone is able to afford to pay towards their social care. This is called 'means testing'.
If the person needing care receives benefits, local authorities can take money from these benefits to contribute towards the cost of their care.
Also, if they have assets or savings over £14,250 then they may also have to pay some extra towards their social care. This lower threshold was set to rise to £20,000, but the Government recently announced a 2 year delay to its social care reforms which means that the levels remain as they were. Income from employment Employment means having a job. is excluded from means testing calculations
How much money are people left with to live on?
To make sure people are left with money to live on after they have paid towards their care, there is something called the Minimum Income Guarantee. This is set by the Government.
The Minimum Income Guarantee is the smallest amount of money that someone must be left with after the local authority has taken some of their income to pay for their social care
How much someone is left with depends on their age and whether they are single or in a couple. The Government sets out a minimum amount that councils need to leave care users with – but shockingly, this is just £74 a week for people under 25. Local authorities can decide to leave people with more.
The system is also deeply unfair to younger people as the amount you are allowed to keep increases as you get older. A person over 65 is allowed to keep more than twice as much, £194 a week. It cannot be right that age is being used as an arbitrary means of deciding how much money a person is allowed to keep especially when many working age adults have lifelong needs for social care and are therefore expected to pay towards it for a far longer period.
Why are people allowed to keep so little of their income?
The Minimum Income Guarantee levels were set back in 2014 and remained the same until last year, when they rose by only 3.1%. This means it has not kept pace with the increases in the cost of living. In fact, we have estimated that, if the Minimum Income Guarantee had increased in line with inflation at the time, people would be up to £45 per week better off than they currently are under the existing MIG levels.
Don’t councils need to take the cost of having a disability into account?
When the local authority works out how much money someone should pay towards their social care, they must also make sure that people can keep some extra money to pay for the things they need because they’re disabled. This is called Disability Related Expenditure.
But some disabled people are only allowed to keep a small amount of money for disability related expenditure, which doesn’t cover the cost of everything they need. Often, they will set a maximum Maximum means the highest amount, or greatest value that something can be. amount that people can keep for someone’s extra spend for their disability – as low as £5 per week – and will only allow more than this is special circumstances. This is deeply unfair.
Yet research Research is a way of finding out information which could come from books, or asking people what they think. shows that disabled people often have to pay more for certain Certain means you are sure about something. things because of their disability, such as wheelchairs, specialist equipment or if they need the heating on more to keep warm[1]. On average, disabled people pay an extra £583 a month to live the same quality of life as a non-disabled person.
[1] [1] Scope, 2019 (Disability Price Tag report)
I have a disability and use social care, but I don’t have to make any payments – why?
The Government sets the minimum amount to leave people with, but councils can make their own decisions about how much to charge people on benefits for their care – or whether the charge them at all.
It’s a postcode lottery that leaves disabled people at the mercy of their council’s finances Finances are anything to do with money. . Some councils do not need the extra money from social care charging, or they have prioritised adult social care over spending in other areas.
It’s a really unfair system – but you can help us change it.
Why do you want a 10.1% increase in the Minimum Income Guarantee?
Last year, the Government announced that it would increase benefits in line with inflation and, as a result, they have risen, or are due to rise, by 10.1% from April this year. We are asking for a similar rise so that:
- People receiving benefits and social care can keep the full amount of their benefits increase
- The amount that people are left to live on after they have been charged for their care reflects the current cost of living
How much will this cost?
The 10.1% increase, if applied to social care users aged 18-64, would cost Local Authorities around £50m.
I don’t think you’re going far enough – why not get rid of this system altogether?
That’s our ultimate goal – we want to help Government build a more fair and sustainable way of funding social care, but that’s a long-term project that successive Governments have failed to fix.
For now, Government are drawing up their next budget announcement for 15 March so we want to bring this injustice to their attention and make sure that they protect Protect means keeping someone or something safe. people with a learning disability on the lowest incomes at a time when costs are rising rapidly.
I’m worried about a loved one who has a learning disability, what can I do?
If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your loved one, please contact Mencap’s Learning Disability Helpline. Our trained advisers can offer support and advice, or signpost to appropriate services who can help.
As every individual case will be different, we want to make sure any advice is relevant to your case. You can visit our website A website is a page you can go to on the internet like Google or YouTube. which has lots of information and resources: https://www.mencap.org.uk/contact/contact_mencap_direct, or contact our helpline on helpline@mencap.org.uk. You can also call 0808 808 1111 (10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday).
You may also want to read our Meeting the Challenge guide around poor care and concerns about care practices: https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/2016-08/Meeting%20The%20Challenge%20guide%205.pdf
I need urgent support for my mental health, can you help?
If you or someone else is in crisis, but you don’t think you need the police or an ambulance: Contact a G.P. (doctor) – Search for a GP Contact an out of hours service, by calling 111 or using this link to search for services Use this NHS page to search for urgent mental health help
You can speak to the Samaritans - https://www.samaritans.org/ - they are available 24 hours a day for confidential Confidential means something is private. , non-judgmental support. Call them on 116 123 or email: jo@samaritans.org