How to make your Will for free
- Visit and type in your postcode to see which solicitors are taking part in your local area.
- Contact your chosen solicitor directly during Free Wills Month and ask to book your free Will appointment.
- Consider leaving a gift in your Will to Mencap.

About Free Wills Month
Free Wills Month enables Mencap to offer members of the public aged 55 and over, the opportunity to have simple Wills written or updated free of charge using participating solicitors in selected locations across England and Scotland.
If you're under 55, email us to find out about our other free Will services.
Make life happier for people with a learning disability
Around half of everything we raise through fundraising comes from the generous gifts we receive in people’s Wills.
The impact of these gifts is incredible. They mean we can:
Run our England Helpline which offers a lifeline to people with a learning disability, their family and carers.
Deliver legal advice and casework to support families or carers, allowing them to advocate for their loved ones.
Campaign for change to put pressure on the government to make life better for people with a learning disability.
Answers to frequently asked questions
How do I make a Will using Free Wills Month?
- Visit during Free Wills Month in March or October.
- Type in your postcode to find out which solicitors are taking part in your local area.
- Choose your preferred local solicitor from the list provided.
- Contact your chosen solicitors to book your appointment during Free Wills Month.
Who can use Free Wills Month?
- Individuals or couples aged 55 and over (if you are a couple making a ‘mirror’ Will, then only one person needs to be aged over 55).
- If you are aged under 55, email us, or call our Gifts in Wills team on 020 7696 6917, to find out about our other free Will writing services.
How do I find out which solicitors participate in Free Wills Month?
- Visit during Free Wills Month in March or October.
- Type in your postcode to see which solicitors are taking part in your local area.
How do I leave a gift in my Will to Mencap?
In the appointment with your solicitor, let them know that you would like to leave a gift in your Will to Mencap.
Ensure your Will states Mencap's full name, address and registered charity number:
Mencap's full name: Royal Mencap Society.
Address: Royal Mencap Society, 6 Cyrus Way, Peterborough, PE7 8HP.
Registered charity number: 222377 (England and Wales), SC041079 (Scotland).
If you would like further information on leaving a gift in your Will to Mencap you can download our free Gifts in Wills guide
Do Mencap offer Will writing templates?
No but Free Wills Month have created a Will planner which you can use to help you prepare for the appointment with your solicitor.
Contact the team about Free Wills Month
Our expert Gifts in Wills Team are happy to answer any questions you may have about Free Wills Month.
Email them today or call 020 7696 6917.