What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a UK only tax relief scheme which Mencap can utilise to claim an extra 25% on top of contributions made by UK taxpayers. 

For example, if you are a UK taxpayer and make a £1 donation, you can increase this by 25% to £1.25 at no extra cost to you. This is because donations made to Mencap by UK taxpayers are tax free. 

How does Gift Aid work?

If you are a UK taxpayer, the funds you are using to donate will have been taxed. However, because donations to charities in the UK are tax free, Mencap can claim tax relief on these contributions and increase their value by 25%. 

These funds will be reclaimed by Mencap from HMRC. 

A group of fundraisers with Mencap collection buckets on Nottingham cricket pitch

Am I able to claim Gift Aid?

You are eligible for Gift Aid if you meet the following criteria: 

  • You are a current UK taxpayer
  • You have paid, or currently pay, income or capital gains tax within the financial year.


  • You have taxable savings, pension or investments.

Opting into Gift Aid

You can sign up to Gift Aid by:

For a Gift Aid declaration to be valid, it must include the following: 

  • First name 
  • Last name 
  • Full home address
  • Agreement that Mencap can claim Gift Aid on donations over the past 4 years.

Once opted in for Gift Aid, a confirmation letter will be sent by post. Supporters have 30 days to cancel their declaration from the day their application was submitted.

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Questions and answers about Gift Aid

If you pay the higher rate of tax which is 40%, you are entitled to claim back the difference via HMRC. You would need to highlight this in a tax self- assessment form and submit it to HMRC. You can either keep the difference or donate it to Mencap. 

If you are not a UK taxpayer, you would not be eligible for Gift Aid.

Supporters who have previously signed up to gift aid but are no longer a UK taxpayer will need to let us know so that we can update their records.

You cannot opt into Gift Aid on behalf of someone. If the person donating is not a UK taxpayer, but someone they know is, they would not be able to opt in using their name, as tax relief only applies on an individual basis. 

If you are a pensioner and your pension has been subject to UK tax, we can claim Gift Aid on your donations. 

Yes, Gift Aid can be claimed if you donate to Mencap via CAF or via other charitable vouchers. However, “CAF: Give As You Earn” is not eligible for Gift Aid, because the funds are taken pre-tax and Gift Aid can only apply if the income has been subject to tax.

Yes, provided the person donating on behalf of the fundraiser is a UK taxpayer and therefore eligible for Gift Aid.