Working with the National Lottery Community Fund
Working with the National Lottery Community Fund

Expert Information and Advice Caseworker Project
The National Lottery Community Fund will give Mencap more than 3 hundred thousand pounds over 3 years.

Mencap will use the money to employ 2 new
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
caseworkers. Caseworkers are people who give information and advice.

The caseworkers will give information and advice to over 1 thousand people.

The caseworkers will be able to give the information and advice in different ways to help people with a learning disability to understand it.

The information and advice might be:
- in
easy read
Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. Pictures are usually added next to the writing.
- a video

What will the project do?
- The project will help 1 thousand people with a learning disability get help as soon as possible and stop their problems turning into an emergency.

- The learning disability caseworkers will help 1 thousand people with a learning disability, their family and people who help them to find out about help in the area where they live.

- 8 out of 10 people will tell us that at least 1 part of their life has got better.

- People with a learning disability and their families will get better information and advice about money help and benefits. This will help them to get more money.

- People with a learning disability will have better lives because the project will help them to get the help they need with their health, their money and to speak up.