Tell us what you think Easy Read
Tell us what you think
This Easy Read tells you how to make a complaint or how to tell us when we did something well.
Telling us when we did something well is called a compliment.
Making a complaint
Making a complaint means telling us about something you do not like.
If something has gone wrong with your support from Mencap, we’d like you to tell us.
It is OK to complain.
It can be a good way to make things better.
When we know what is wrong, we can put it right.
If we don’t make things better the way you wanted us to, you can make an appeal To appeal means saying you want someone to think about a decision again. .
An appeal means we will look at it again and see if we can do more to help you.
Sending us a compliment
When you think we’ve done something good, we’d love you to tell us. This is called a compliment.
When you’re happy, we are happy too.
How to tell us what you think
You can fill out our Easy Read online form to make a complaint or send us a compliment.
If you need any help with the form, ask someone you trust like a friend, a member of your family, or your carer.
You can also post a complaint to Mencap by downloading a copy of the form and sending it to us by letter or email.
- Email:
- Post: The Compliments and Complaints Team, Mencap, 6, Cyrus Way, Hampton, Peterborough. PE7 8HP.
You can speak to our Compliments and Complaints manager A manager is a boss at work. They tell you what you need to do and give you support if you need it. by:
Phone: 0808 196 8424 (freephone)
Or email: