Network Partners Easy Read
Network Partners

Who are Network Partners?
There are lots of local groups working across England, Wales and Northern Ireland who are linked to Mencap.

We call these local groups Network Partners.

They work in local areas to give information, advice and support to people with a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
and their families.

All Network Partners are separate
Organisations are groups like companies and businesses.
which are run by their own people.

Some Network Partner groups share the Mencap name and some also share Mencap's logo and colours.

All Network Partners share Mencap's
Values are the things that are important to you. Mencap's values are being passionate, inclusive, brave, positive, and kind.
Our values can be found on our Big Plan webpage.

Some Network Partners are big organisations.
Some are much smaller groups who run things like sport activities at the weekend.

Where can I find a Network Partner group near me?
If you have a learning disability, or know someone with a learning disability who might be interested in joining a local group, we have a webpage where you can search for your nearest Network Partner.

You can find more information about each Network Partner by checking their details on the Charity Commission websites for England and Wales or for Northern Ireland.

The Charity Commission are the organisation who decide if a business can become a charity.
They also make sure charities work within the
Laws are the rules that everyone in the country has to follow. If you don't follow the rules you can get in trouble with the police.

How do local groups become Network Partners?
Local groups and organisations who support people with a learning disability can ask about becoming a Network Partner by using our online form.

What are the benefits of becoming a Network Partner?
Groups that become Network Partners get things like:
- Mencap resources.
Resources are things like posters, leaflets and videos.

- The chance to share information and talk to other Network Partners.

- The opportunity to join Mencap workshops and training courses.

- Regular newsletters.

- Telephone and email support from our
A community is the people and places in an area. Engagement Team.

- Discounts and offers.
Discounts are when you can buy something for less money.

- Use of the Mencap logo and colours if you pay for the Mencap brand.
The Mencap brand means things like the Mencap name, colours and logo.

- Use of Your Network Online - a members only website full of information and support for local groups.