The Include Me group
The Include Me group
We are a group of people with a learning disability who care about inclusion.
Anyone who is a part of Mencap can join the group.
Some of us are employed by Mencap, or are supported by Mencap, and some of us are connected to Mencap through local groups.
We want to make sure that the views of people with a learning disability are included in all of Mencap's work.
We are really interested in supporting Mencap to think about the Big Plan.
What we do
We meet online, once a month.
We share our ideas about the Big Plan
We advise how a Mencap projects or campaigns should look like.
We share our ideas about what is important to and for people with a learning disability.
We do this by sharing our own experience Experience is when you have learned or tried something before. .
We also help teams at Mencap design and make information for people with a learning disability. Things like leaflets and videos.
We support other organisations too
Sometimes other organisations Organisations are groups like companies and businesses. ask for our help to find out what people with a learning disability think.
We talk to them and give them ideas about what could work and what doesn't work.
We guide and advise these organisations but we do not do the work for them.
Things we have done
We gave our ideas on how to support people with complex disabilities to be part of Mencap's Big Plan.
We also helped with the Big Plan easy read Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. .
We supported Mencap's Campaign team to create their Treat me Well campaign.
We made a video about safeguarding Keeping people safe from being hurt, abused, or neglected is called Safeguarding. to help people with a learning disability.
Would you like to know more?
If you would like to learn more about the Include Me group at Mencap please email