Bullying - Easy Read information

What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone is horrible to you on purpose. Anyone can be bullied.
People are often bullied because they are different from other people.

Why is bullying wrong?
Bullying is wrong because it makes people feel scared and upset.

If someone bullies you they might:
- call you horrible names

- hit you

- kick you

- steal your things

- send you nasty text messages, emails or letters or make a nasty phone call

- make you do things you do not want to do

- ignore you and leave you out of things.

What should I do if I am being bullied?
It is important to get it stopped.
You can get help by telling:
- a family member

- a friend

- your teacher if you are at school or college

- your
social worker
A social worker is someone who can help you get the support you need. Social workers usually work for your local council. , key worker, or carer if you have one.

- the police if someone has hit you or is seriously hurting you.

Sometimes it’s hard to talk about our feelings or if something bad has happened to us.
It’s common for people to feel that it’s their fault or feel ashamed, as well as scared, confused and alone.

If you are being bullied, it is never your fault.
There is always someone who can help stop it. Talking about it is the first step to stopping it.

Different ways to tell someone that you are being bullied
Talk to someone:
You can speak to a member of your family, your carer, or someone you trust like a friend or grandparent, or your doctor, school nurse, or one of Mencap’s helpline advisors.
Whoever are most happy talking to, do it as soon as you can - they will want to listen and help.

Write to someone:
If you don’t feel you can talk to someone, you can write a letter or email about what has been happening and send it to someone you want to tell.
Remember to write down what happened, and how it has made you feel.

Use the bully box:
A bully box is a safe letterbox that some schools have.
If your school has a bully box, write down or draw what has happened and how you feel, and post it in the box.
When the bully box is opened, someone will read your note and get help.

What if the bullying doesn’t stop after I have asked for help?
There are lots of laws that say bullying is wrong.
If you are still being bullied after you have got help, the police might be able to help you.

The police might ask you for evidence.
Evidence means proof that something has happened.
You can show the police evidence by keeping a diary of what is happening to you – you can write the diary or record it on a tape keeping any nasty letters, texts or emails to show them.

What if I am still upset and scared after the bullying has stopped?
You can speak to your doctor and tell them how you feel.
They might be able to find someone you can speak to about your feelings. This person is called a counsellor.

A counsellor can help you to find ways of dealing with your problems.

Where can I find more information about bullying?
To find out more about bullying visit our Bullying pages.

If you need more information about bullying you can call our free
Learning Disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
Helpline on 0808 808 1111 or email helpline@mencap.org.uk.