Blue Badge
Blue Badge
What is the Blue Badge scheme?
The Blue Badge scheme lets you park closer to where you want to go if you have a disability.
You can use a Blue Badge if you are a driver or a passenger.
If you can park closer to where you want to go, it makes it easier for you to:
- get to work
- go shopping
- use services like the doctors or the dentist.
A Blue Badge helps you to be more independent.
How do I get a Blue Badge?
You can apply for a Blue Badge online or by contacting your local authority A local authority is also called a council A council is also called a local authority. They are a group of people who make decisions about some of the things in the area where you live. These include: schools, social care Social care means the services that give care and support to people who need it. (support for people), parks and dustbin collection. . They are a group of people who make decisions about some of the things in the area where you live like schools, social care (support for people), parks and dustbin collection. .
When you apply for a Blue Badge, you will need to know:
- your name, address and telephone number
- your email address if you have one
- your
National Insurance
National Insurance is a type of
Tax is the money that pays for things like schools, hospitals and the police. There are different types of taxes like
income tax
Income tax is the money that is taken out of the money you earn every month. It helps to pay for things we all need like hospitals and schools.
VAT is also called Value Added Tax. VAT is the extra money you pay when you buy things. The money goes to
the government
The Government are the people who run the country. The Government decide how much tax people should pay and how things like the National Health Service (
The NHS is the National Health Service. The NHS gives free healthcare to everyone in the UK and includes things like your GP (doctors) surgery and hospitals.
) should work.
to pay for things like schools and hospitals.
council tax
Council Tax is the money that people pay to the council. It helps to pay for things like social care (support for people), parks and dustbin collection.
. It is money that is taken out of the money you earn each month. You pay National Insurance so that you can get a
A pension is money you get when you are older to pay for the things you need. You can pay money into your pension when you are working so there is more money for when you are older.
when you are older.
number if you have one.
You can find your National Insurance number on any letters you have had about your tax, pensions or benefits.
You will need:
- ID (for example your birth certificate or passport)
- proof of address (for example a Council Tax bill or a letter about your benefits)
- a passport size photo of your head and shoulders.
In England, a Blue Badge costs up to 10 pounds.
It usually lasts up to 3 years.
Using your Blue Badge
Each local authority has different rules about where you can park with your Blue Badge.
If you have a Blue Badge, you might be able to park for free:
- on single or double yellow lines
- anywhere with a blue wheelchair symbol
- anywhere with an ‘on street’ parking meter or pay and display machine.
You might be able to park in other places, but you will need to check the signs in the place where you want to park.
You can not park:
- in loading or unloading areas, unless you are only stopping to let the person with the Blue Badge out, or to pick them up
- where you are blocking the way for other people or cars
- if it means that other people can not safely see the road because you are in the way.
When you park, you must put your Blue Badge on the dashboard.
Make sure that anyone checking the parking can see the front of your Blue Badge.
You might also need to put your Blue Badge clock on the dashboard if there is a time limit for how long you can park.
Check the parking signs to find out if you need to put your Blue Badge clock on the dashboard.
You might get a parking fine if you do not follow the rules about using your Blue Badge and your Blue Badge clock.
You should not give your Blue Badge to anyone else.
For more information about the Blue Badge scheme, go to your local authority’s website A website is a page you can go to on the internet like Google or YouTube. and search for Blue Badge.
If you need help with this information, contact the Learning Disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. Helpline:
- email
- phone 0808 808 1111