Big Learning Disability survey findings: Mental health
Big Learning Disability survey findings: Mental health

Over 6 in 10 people said they had felt happy in the past week.

Over 2 in 10 people said they had felt confident.

Over 3 in 10 people said they had felt excited.

Over 3 in 10 people said they had felt lonely.

Over 4 in 10 people said they had felt sad.

Over 3 in 10 people said they had felt angry.

We asked people to share any other thoughts or feelings they had felt in the past week.

Many people said they had felt anxious.

Many people said they had felt frustrated.

Some people said they had felt confused.

Some people said they had felt worried.

Feelings about the future
Nearly 4 in 10 people said they felt positive about the future.

Nearly 2 in 10 people said they did not feel positive about the future.