Big Learning Disability survey findings: Mental health

Big Learning Disability survey findings: Mental health

Head and shoulders of a smiling man

Over 6 in 10 people said they had felt happy in the past week.
a graph to show 6:10 people

A woman in a red top with a grey jacket raising both her arms to show how strong she is

Over 2 in 10 people said they had felt confident.
a graph to show 2:10 people

A man with his hands together smiling in excitement

Over 3 in 10 people said they had felt excited.

A graph to show 3:10 people

A woman with her head down with her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

Over 3 in 10 people said they had felt lonely.
A graph to show 3:10 people

A man in a red to with his head lowered and looking sad

Over 4 in 10 people said they had felt sad.
a graph to show 4:10 people

A man with his arms bent and his fists raised in temper looking angry

Over 3 in 10 people said they had felt angry.
A graph to show 3:10 people

A woman sat on a chair thinking

We asked people to share any other thoughts or feelings they had felt in the past week.

A woman in a wheelchair looking sad and thinking about something

Many people said they had felt anxious.

A man with his hands raised and grimacing with frustration

Many people said they had felt frustrated.

A man looking confused with his hand on his head and a question mark symbol next to him

Some people said they had felt confused.

A man with his head in his hands looking worried

Some people said they had felt worried.

A man smiling with both his thumbs up in the air

Feelings about the future


Nearly 4 in 10 people said they felt positive about the future.
a graph to show 4:10 people

A woman looking disappointed with her thumb down

Nearly 2 in 10 people said they did not feel positive about the future.
a graph to show 2:10 people