Big Learning Disability survey findings: Living costs
Big Learning Disability survey findings: Living costs

We asked people to think about which living cost they have been worried about in the past week.
A living cost is the money you pay for things like shopping, gas, electricity and rent.

4 in 10 people said food shopping.

Nearly 4 in 10 people said energy (gas, electricity, and heating).

Nearly 2 in 10 people said care and support charges.

Over 2 in 10 people said going out with friends.

Over 2 in 10 people said hobbies and activities.

Over 2 in 10 people said travel (for example using a bus, train, or car to visit family or friends).

Nearly 2 in 10 people said rent or mortgage.

Lots of people told us that their parent, carer, or financial deputy works out how to spend their money on living costs.

A financial deputy is a person who deals with a person's
Finances are anything to do with money.
, such as bills, benefits, and
A pension is money you get when you are older to pay for the things you need. You can pay money into your pension when you are working so there is more money for when you are older.