Big Learning Disability survey findings: Living costs

Big Learning Disability survey findings: Living costs

A woman looking confused and worried

We asked people to think about which living cost they have been worried about in the past week.

A living cost is the money you pay for things like shopping, gas, electricity and rent.

A couple shopping in a supermarket

4 in 10 people said food shopping.
a graph to show 4:10 people

Energy bills which are rising

Nearly 4 in 10 people said energy (gas, electricity, and heating).
a graph to show 4:10 people

A handful of 20 pound notes in front of a carer giving a man in a wheelchair a cup of tea

Nearly 2 in 10 people said care and support charges.
a graph to show 2:10 people

Two people with facemasks standing outside. One is waving.

Over 2 in 10 people said going out with friends.
a graph to show 2:10 people

A boy playing with a bat and ball.

Over 2 in 10 people said hobbies and activities.
a graph to show 2:10 people

A couple in front of a red bus.

Over 2 in 10 people said travel (for example using a bus, train, or car to visit family or friends).
a graph to show 2:10 people

A house

Nearly 2 in 10 people said rent or mortgage.
a graph to show 2:10 people

A seated man and a standing woman with her hand on the mans shoulder inside a house

Lots of people told us that their parent, carer, or financial deputy works out how to spend their money on living costs.

A smiling man with a woman who has a learning disability

A financial deputy is a person who deals with a person's finances , such as bills, benefits, and pension .