Big Learning Disability survey findings: Healthcare
Big Learning Disability survey findings: Healthcare

Nearly half said their most recent doctor, or hospital appointment was good.

Over 1 in 10 said their appointment was poor.

Most people said extra reasonable adjustments would have made their appointment better.
Reasonable adjustments are small changes that can help people with a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
to be treated equally.

Some people said they would prefer face to face appointments instead of telephone or video appointments.

Some people said they would prefer shorter waiting times before seeing the GP or hospital doctor.

Some people said they would like to have longer appointments.

Some people said they would like their doctor, or hospital doctor to have a better understanding of learning disabilities.

Annual health checks
Nearly half of people said they have had an annual heath check in the last year.

Nearly 6 in 10 people said their most recent
annual health check
An annual
health check
A health check is when you see a nurse or doctor so they can help you to stay well.
is when you see a nurse or doctor once a year so they can help you stay well. Everyone aged 14 or over who has a learning disability should be invited for an annual health check.
was good.

A few people said their most recent annual health check was poor.

Almost 6 in 10 people said they did not get a health action plan at their most recent annual health check.
A health action plan is a booklet that shows:
- your health needs
- what will happen about your health needs (including what you need to do)
- who will help
- when your next appointment will be