Big Learning Disability survey findings: Discrimination

Big Learning Disability survey findings: Discrimination

A man worrying about three different things he is thinking about

Over 4 in 10 people said they did not go out in the past week because they were worried about something.
a graph to show 4:10 people

A man in a red jumper thinking

We asked people why they had felt worried about going out in the past.

A woman being bullied by a crowd of 4 young men

The top thing people worry about is people calling them names or bullying them.

A couple on a platform next to a train

Some people said using public transport.

A woman looking at a map

Some people said getting lost.

A woman with her hand in the air to ask a question

Some people said asking a member of the public for help.

A person in a hat and coat with their back turned

Some people said people ignoring them.

A woman walking away from two bullies looking sad with her arms folded

A few people said people laugh at them.

A woman thinking

Lots of people shared other reasons why they have worried about going out.

A drawing of a virus

Some people said they were still dealing with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on their mental health.

A woman standing in front of a crowd of people

Some people said they were worried about being in busy places such as a city centre.

An older woman being teased by two men in hoodies

A few people said they were worried about being treated badly by the general public because of their learning disability .

A woman sitting at a desk thinking

We asked people who they would go to for help and support if they were being treated unfairly.

A crowd of couples hugging and smiling to each other

Nearly 7 in 10 people said they would go to family or friends.
A graph to show 7:10 people

A man being greeted by a support worker in front of other support workers

Almost 4 in 10 said they would go to their support workers.
a graph to show 4:10 people

Two people talking to two members of the police

Almost 2 in 10 people said they would go to the police.
a graph to show 2:10 people

The Mencap logo

Over 1 in 10 people said they would go to charities.
A graph to show 1:10 people

A house shape frame around a group of people in a day centre

Over 1 in 10 people said they would go to day centres.
A graph to show 1:10 people

A man shrugging his shoulders

Over 1 in 10 people said they did not know where to go for help and support.
A graph to show 1:10 people

A man thinking with his head turned to the right

Some people shared other places that they would go to for help and support if they were being treated unfairly.

Parents sitting on a sofa with their two children

Most of these people said they need their family to help them ask for help and support.