What's your job like?

"My role is a very rewarding position and holds a lot of responsibility

"I enjoy supporting people to have fun, learn new things and to feel proud when they achieve something new. There is nothing better than seeing the people we support enjoy their lives and be happy.

"I really look forward to going to work.

"It is challenging to see the people we support go through difficult times; when they are sad, unhappy or ill."

What are the people you support like?

"The service I work at supports 4 gentlemen with a learning disability who enjoy going out. We visit farms and the seaside and they like doing different activities, such as swimming, biking and listening to music. They also enjoy socialising, making friends and having a good laugh.

"One of the people we support is going on holiday to Germany, as he has decided to travel by plane for the first time in his life. He is very excited."

What's your proudest moment?

"I have been collaborating with a community nurse who is working with someone I support around some of her anxieties.

"I have taken on the responsibility of facilitating these meetings, communicating and meeting with the nurse, and then feeding the relevant information back to the team. As a result of this we can see really great improvements in the person we support's life.

How did you become a support worker?

"I had never worked in social care before. My friend who was already working with Mencap as a support worker mentioned that she thought I would be a really good support worker, so I thought about it and decided to apply. 

"I always wanted to help people and make a difference in people's lives. I am so happy I applied now!"

Woman look at the woman next to her, holding on to her arm.

What is it like working for Mencap?

"Mencap has given me the opportunity to make a difference to people's lives and at the same time, Mencap have supported me to make a difference to mine. I have grown so much as a person mentally and professionally.

"I started to work with Mencap in October 2015. I have progressed from support workers to support worker with additional responsibilities, to assistant service manager and now to a service manager. And in a few months I will be managed one more service."

What qualities do you think you need to become a support worker?

"I believe to become a support worker you need to be kind, open-minded and caring. You need to have a positive attitude and be ready to try new things with the people we support.

"You also need to be trustworthy, reliable and have a good sense of humour."

What would your advice be to someone who wants to become a support worker?

"If you are thinking about doing this just give it a try and do it wholeheartedly.

"Each day in this role is different. You can find yourself dancing in the kitchen, being the singing star of the night for someone, the best chef ever, a person to talk to when there is no one else listening or the one holding someone's hand when they are poorly.

"All this is so rewarding. "

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