"Country Rogues" is a comedy short about two friends played by James Martin and Eimear Bailie. They audition for a country music night but it does not go well, and they try to convince the manager A manager is a boss at work. They tell you what you need to do and give you support if you need it. to let them perform. It is very funny and James Martin and Eimear Bailie are naturally funny together. It is nice that it is not sad – we need cheery at the moment.
It is not too long either which means you don’t loose patience watching it and stay interested. There is quite a bit of swearing, which I did not mind. Although some people might not like it, but if you’re comfortable with it, the humor shines through.
Also it is great to see actors with disabilities starring in a BBC comedy short. James Martin, has already been recognised for a role in an another Oscar-winning short film.
Overall, "Country Rogues" is a refreshing piece, light hearted without overstaying its welcome. Given its language, it might be best suited for a late-evening watch, but if you’re looking for a good laugh, this is definitely worth a try.
Watch it on BBC iPlayer – just be prepared for the swearing!
Country Rogues on iPlayer
The six minute 'Comedy Shorts: Country Rogues' which is available on BBC iPlayer, tells of cousins Caoimhe and Dara who make up a mismatched country music band. She’s got stress-induced anxiety and an addiction to energy drinks, he’s got Down’s syndrome and illegal fireworks.