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How to apply for Access to Work help

A step-by-step digital guide to take you through the Access to Work application process.  

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How to claim Access to Work

There are 6 steps to take to apply for Access to Work.

Before following these steps, please read our Access to Work page to find out more about this government benefit.

Step 1: Check if you are eligible for Access to Work help

To get Access to Work you must:  

  • have a physical or mental health condition or a disability that means you need support to do your job, or to get to and from your job  
  • be 16 or over  
  • have paid work (or be about to start, or return to, paid work in the next 12 weeks)  
  • live and work (or be about to start, or return to work) in England, Wales or Scotland  

You cannot get Access to Work to help you with voluntary work or if you live in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. 

Step 2: Make sure you have the right information to hand

You will need:

  • your name, address and telephone number
  • your date of birth
  • your National Insurance number, if you have one (you can find this on letters about tax, pensions and benefits)
  • your bank or building society account number and sort code
  • the address and postcode of the place where you work 
  • the name and contact details of someone where you work who can confirm you work there 
  • information about how your disability or health condition affects your work  
  • information about the support you think you need

Step 3: Get someone to help you if you want 

If you want some help to apply for Access to Work you can:  

  • ask someone you trust to help you   
  • ask a local organisation who helps people with their benefits   

Step 4: Fill in the Access to Work application form

You can apply for Access to Work online or by contacting the Access to Work helpline.    


You can apply online on the government’s website.  

By contacting the Access to Work helpline

You can contact the Access to Work helpline:

  • Phone: 0800 121 7479.  
  • Textphone: 0800 121 7579.  
  • Relay UK: 18001 then 0800 121 7479. Relay UK helps people who cannot hear or speak on the phone.  

The Access to Work helpline is open Monday to Friday 9.00 - 5.00.

Step 5: Getting your Access to Work decision

After you have applied for Access to Work, someone from Access to Work will contact you about your application.  

If you find it difficult to talk on the phone, you can ask Access to Work to contact you by email, or to contact someone else who can talk to them about your application.  

The person from Access to Work might ask:  

  • for more information about your work, your disability or health condition  
  • for permission to speak to your employer  
  • to arrange for an assessor to contact you or to see your workplace, so they can find out what changes might help you at work  

You will get a letter which will tell you if you will get help from Access to Work.   It will tell you how much your Access to Work grant will be and what you can use the money to pay for.  

If you are awarded a grant, the letter will also tell you when your grant will end.  You can apply to renew it online or by phone 12 weeks before the end of the grant. 

Step 6: Claim your Access to Work grant money

You can claim the money from your Access to Work grant online or by post.  You will need to provide:

  • the dates you had support
  • invoices or receipts (copies are accepted) showing the cost of your support
  • bank details of the person or company who will receive the money from the grant

You may also need the details of a workplace contact who can confirm you received the support you are claiming for.

To claim online  

You will need:  

  • your bank or building society account number and sort code  
  • an email address  
  • a mobile phone  

You will also need to prove your identity with documents from 2 different sources.  

For example:

  • A current UK passport.
  • A payslip from the last 3 months or your current P60.
  • A bank statement, loan, mortgage or credit agreement.
  • Your most recent Self Assessment tax return.
  • Your most recent tax credit payment, if you claim them.

You will need to create an online account on the government’s website.

If you cannot prove your identity with documents from 2 of the above sources, you will need to claim by post.

To claim by post

Fill in the claim form that was with your Access to Work grant decision letter.  If you cannot find the claim form, you can contact the Access to Work helpline and ask them to post one to you.

Access to Work helpline

Contact the Access to Work helpline if:

  • you need help with your claim
  • you do not have all of the information you need to make a claim  
  • you need help to set up your online account
  • your grant has run out and you need more money to pay for something your Access to Work grant letter says you need

You can contact the Access to Work helpline by:  

  • Phone: 0800 121 7479.  
  • Textphone: 0800 121 7579.  
  • Relay UK: 18001 then 0800 121 7479. Relay UK helps people who cannot hear or speak on the phone.  

The Access to Work helpline is open Monday to Friday 9.00 - 5.00.  

What to do if your Access to Work application is unsuccessful

If your application for Access to Work is unsuccessful or you are unhappy with the outcome, you should contact the Access to Work helpline.

  • Phone: 0800 121 7479.  
  • Textphone: 0800 121 7579.  
  • Relay UK: 18001 then 0800 121 7479. Relay UK helps people who can not hear or speak on the phone.  

The Access to Work helpline is open Monday to Friday 9.00 - 5.00.  

 Frequently asked questions about Access to Work applications 

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The information on this page is for  guidance  only. Mencap hold no responsibility for DWP processes, timescales, decisions, and service. 

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