Sexuality and relationship resources

Guidance and information about sexuality and relationships for people with a learning disability

A woman reading an Easy Read book about relationships

If you, or someone you know has a learning disability , this list of resources will help you find more information about sexuality and relationships .

A laptop screen showing a couple holding hands at a table with www. written underneath them

If you have any questions about sexuality, relationships and learning disability, visit our website.

A woman is phoning someone who is sitting at a desk

Or contact our Learning Disability Helpline by:

  • Phone 0808 808 1111

1. General relationships and sex education resources

Recommended general relationships and sex education resources are:

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2. Body awareness resources (puberty, masturbation and menstruation)

Recommended body awareness resources are:

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3. Resources for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT+)

Recommended LGBT+ related resources are:

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4. Friendships and relationships

Recommended friendship and relationship resources are:

  • Easy Health: Love, Sex and You Easy Read guide about intimate relationships.
    For People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free (you need to sign up to be a member to download resources).
  • Love.Life films and supporting activities explore emotions, relationships, identity and how to stay safe as you grow up and become more independent.
    For: Young people with a learning disability aged 11-25 years, their parents and educators.
    Cost: Free.
  • Books Beyond Words have a variety of accessible books about friendship and relationships.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: £10.00 per book or £36.00 for a mini set.
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5. Contraception and safe sex

Recommended contraception and safe sex resources are:

  • Change: Easy Read booklet about safe sex covers STI's and how to avoid them, types of contraception and how to use them, and where to go for advice and support.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: £6.99.
  • Bodysense: Condom Cards provides drawings showing how to use a condom.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: £3.50 per set.
  • Easy Health: Easy Read leaflets about contraception.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free (you need to sign up to be a member to download resources).
  • NHS Highland have a video demonstration about condoms.
    For: People with a learning disability and their supporters.
    Cost: Free.
  • NHS Lanarkshire have a range of accessible information on contraceptive choices, safe se and sexual health checks.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
  • MacMillan Cancer Support: Stay healthy, have safe sex is an accessible booklet about having safe sex.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
  • The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention: How to use a dental dam, How to use a male condom and How to use a female condom.
    For: People with a learning disability and their supporters. Note: these instructions are not designed specifically for people with a learning disability so support to explain the visuals may be required.
    Cost: Free.
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6. Sexually transmitted infections and HIV

Recommended STI and HIV related resources are:

  • NHS Lanarkshire: Accessible information about a range of sexually transmitted infections and sexual health checks.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
  • Change: What is Hepatitis? Easy Read fact sheet about Hepatitis, its' different forms, how it is transmitted, symptoms, getting tested and treatment.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
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7. Pregnancy

Recommended pregnancy related resources are:

  • Easy Health: Easy Read leaflets about maternity.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free (you need to sign up to be a member to download resources).
  • Department of Health: Having a Baby, Your NHS Care Easy Read leaflet about your care choices during pregnancy.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
  • NHS Lanarkshire: Health Before Pregnancy Easy Read booklet about preconception health.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
  • Change: My Pregnancy Easy Read book covering all aspects of antenatal care, from fetal development, problems during pregnancy, to the first days with your baby.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: £45.00
  • NHS Leeds: Maternity care information which includes an Easy Read guides to pregnancy, a birth plan and caring for yourself after a baby.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
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8. Parenting

Recommended parenting related resources are:

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9. Recognising abuse and how to get help

Recommended recognising abuse and how to get help resources are:

  • Books Beyond Words: Accessible books about surviving abuse.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: £10.00 per book or £72.00 for the full set.
  • Change: Understanding Sexual Abuse Easy Read booklet covering how to recognise and report abuse, saying 'no', rape, pornography, the law , disclosure, and where to get help.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: £6.99.
  • Easy Health: Accessible information about abuse.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free (you need to sign up to be a member to download resources).
  • Respond: Rachel's Story is a short film which explores the impact of sexual exploitation and the power of therapeutic treatment.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free.
  • Friend or Fake: a booklet about how to recognise the signed of mate crime .
    For: People with a learning disability and their supporters.
    Cost: Free.
  • Easy Health: What is domestic abuse? An accessible fact sheet about abuse.
    For: People with a learning disability.
    Cost: Free (you need to sign up to be a member to download resources).
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10. Organisations that offer advice and guidance

Recommended organisations where you can get advice and guidance are:

  • BILD - information and resources about friendships and relationships to support people with a learning disability to have a great life.
  • Brook - services across the UK providing free and confidential sexual health services to young people under 25.
  • Family Planning Association - relationships and sex education resources for people with a learning disability. They also offer training courses for professionals working with people with a learning disability. 
  • NSPCC - guidance on safeguarding children and preventing abuse. They have relationships and sex education resources for children and young people with a learning disability.
  • Respond - work with children and adults with a learning disability who have experienced abuse or trauma, as well as those who have abused others, through psychotherapy, advocacy, campaigning and other support.
  • Stonewall - campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people across Britain. They offer help and support, and can signpost to local LGBT services and community groups.
  • Supported Loving - campaign set up by Choice Support to highlight the importance of good support in helping people with a learning disability find love.
  • Terrence Higgins Trust - provides HIV and sexual health services in the UK, and runs community projects for people living with HIV.
  • The Sex Education Forum - works to achieve quality relationships and sex education for all children and young people in England. They provide resources and training to teachers and professionals, to support the delivery of relationships and sex education.
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