What to do if you have problems with your neighbours

What to do if you have problems with your neighbours

Twi neighbours stand outside their houses looking annoyed

Everyone gets upset with their neighbours sometimes.

Two neighbours outside their houses talking and being friendly

Sometimes things get better on their own.

A couple of people being nasty to someone. Over this picture is a red stop sign

But it's not OK for your neighbours to treat you badly.

A woman is thinking. There are two thought bubbles above her head. One shows a house removal van with a green tick over it, whereas the other shows a removal van with a red cross over it

Bad neighbours might make you want to leave your home.

But that is not always a good idea because:

A woman is scratching her head next to photographs of lots of different houses.
  • it could be very hard to find a new place to live
Two houses both have a hand next to them paying money
  • you might have to pay for your old home and for the new place
Two neighbours outside their new build houses have their arms folded looking annoyed
  • the new place might not be better
The outline of a house with a red cross inside it
  • you may become homeless.
A man in a suit is pointing to a checklist which has green ticks on it

Instead of moving, you can do other things to make your neighbours stop treating you badly.

A man writing in a diary at a desk

1. Make notes about what happens

Write down:

  • what your neighbour does
  • the date they do it
  • the time they do it.
A woman is using a filing box to put a piece of paper into. Next to the filing box is a padlock to keep the paperwork safe

Keep your notes safe.

A man is showing another man a piece of paper

You might need to show your notes to people who help you.

A picture of a tape recorder and microphone

You can record yourself on your phone instead.

For police ambulance or fire dial 999

2. Call 999 if your neighbours have hurt you or said they will hurt you

Ask for the police or an ambulance.

Tell the person you speak to exactly what happened.

A woman is calling the police on her mobile phone

The police might want to talk to you straight away

A woman is talking to a policeman at a desk in a meeting room

or organise a meeting later.

A supporter is sitting next to the person talking to the policeman at a desk in a meeting room

You can bring someone to the meeting with you.

A woman is talking to her landlord in her home

3. Ask your council for help if your neighbours treat you badly

Tell your Housing Officer what happened.

A woman is explaining something to a man. Both are sitting on chairs facing each other

Tell your support worker or social worker what happened.

Two people stand together. The person on the right has their arm round the other person's shoulders.

Tell a family member or someone you trust what happened.

A man sits at a desk, writing. He is sat next to a woman who is smiling while on the phone. They are both in a building which is labelled 'Council'

They could help you contact the council.

You can ask the council for help with bad neighbours.

Four people wearing ID badges are standing outside the council offices

Councils have something called Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) teams.

Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is when someone who does not live with you annoys, harms or upsets you.

Pictures of someone making loud noises, someone hitting someone, a group swearing at someone, a drunken man, a person on a bus who is upsetting the person next to them

Some examples of antisocial behaviour are:

  • bullying
  • saying nasty things 
  • making regular or loud, annoying noises 
  • making you angry or scared
A man in a hat is writing on a flipchart next to a woman in a suit who is presenting training

Antisocial behaviour teams are trained to deal with bad behaviour.

A man is standing outside a semi detached house talking to one of the people who live there.

They can talk to your neighbours.

A council tax bill with a telephone number circled and a picture of a man at a desk using a laptop to search online

You can find your council's contact details:

  • online
  • on your council tax bill
A woman on the phone calling her doctor who is in a blue circle behind her

When you call the council ask for the Antisocial Behaviour team.

A woman with a clipboard is writing things down as a man explains something to her

Tell them exactly what your neighbours did and when they did it.

A woman in a red beanie hat is writing something down at a desk

When you speak to the council write down:

  • the date
  • the time
  • the name of the person you spoke to.
A woman holds a red telephone against her ear

You can call the Learning Disability Helpline if you need more help about antisocial behaviour.

Phone: 0808 808 1111