Mencap in Kirklees, based in West Yorkshire, support people with a learning disability in a variety of different ways…

A group of people who Mencap in Kirklees support at one of their day services , "The Arena", have been taking part in the Open Court Programme - a national programme funded by Sport England and the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA – Tennis for Britain), to deliver opportunities, and support to many individuals, including those with a learning disability, to become more involved in the sport of tennis.

It all began when the Royal Mencap Society put Mencap in Kirklees in touch with their local organiser and the group took it from there!

Since then The Arena, who were given were a large bag of equipment to make the tennis even more fun and adaptable, have been participating in the programme on a fortnightly basis, at Howden Clough Tennis Centre in Batley.

Although the group had previously played badminton and table tennis nobody had ever played tennis before so it’s great to hear that they’re loving it, and have told to staff how much they enjoy playing.

" I feel like I’m on TV when I’m playing as the court looks really professional".

The coaches worked really well with each individual, helping them to build their confidence and get the most out of every session.

With the Arena’s enthusiasm and Mencap in Kirklees’s continued service, watch this space – and who knows… all this training may lead to the nurturing of a future tennis champion!?

Game. Set and Match to all at Mencap in Kirklees!

People playing tennis on an indoor court


Man serving in tennis on an indoor court


Woman playing tennis on an indoor court


Woman playing tennis on an indoor court


Man playing tennis on an indoor court


Woman posing with tennis racquet on an indoor court


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