What to expect if someone I know goes into hospital with coronavirus

What to expect if someone I know goes into hospital with coronavirus

A man smiling at the camera with coronavirus germs around his body

Some people who have coronavirus do not know they have coronavirus.

They feel well, or feel as if they have a cold.

The head and shoulders of a man who is coughing into his hand with coronavirus germs around his head

Some people who have coronavirus feel poorly.

A woman with her hand on her forehead, another woman who is coughing into her hand, and a man with very red cheeks who is holding his throat

People who have coronavirus may:

  • have a high temperature
  • have a cough
  • lose of have a change in their sense of taste or smell
An open diary showing the 7 days of the week

Most people who have coronavirus will self-isolate at home and will start to feel better after a few days.

The outside of a large hospital building with an ambulance outside the door.

Some people who have coronavirus need more help to get better.

These people may need to go to hospital.

A NHS111 telephone call between two people in front of a hospital building

People might need to go to hospital because of coronavirus if:

  • they are finding it hard to breathe
  • a doctor or NHS 111 tells them to go to hospital
A green shield with germs of the coronavirus

If people have to go to hospital because of coronavirus, the doctors and nurses will have to take special care to make sure that other people do not catch the virus.

A hospital building next to a rule book

If someone you know is in hospital with coronavirus, you will need to check the rules about visiting the hospital.

A man in a hospital bed with a visitor. The visitor has a red cross over her picture.

You might not be able to visit the person in hospital.

A man lying in a hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask

Some people with coronavirus will get very poorly and sometimes they will die.

A man with a walking frame outside his home

Lots of people who go to hospital because of coronavirus will get better and will come home.

A photograph of a woman next to a photograph of the same woman wearing a face mask, gloves and an apron

If you are able to visit the person in hospital, you might have to wear glasses, aprons, gloves and face masks.

Two people standing either side of a yellow shield with coronavirus germs

This is to help keep you and other people safe.

A woman on the phone to a hospital receptionist

If you cannot go to the hospital, find out if their is someone you can phone at the hospital who can tell you how the person is.

Two mobile phones. The white phone shows a girl talking on a video call and the black phone shows a woman listening

If you cannot go to the hospital, you might be able to speak to the person you know on the phone or using video call.

A greetings card with a flower on the front cover

You might be able to send the person a cord or a gift to let them know you are thinking of them.

A woman thinking

You could think about the good times you have had with the person and plan what you would like to do together when they are better.

a laptop with a screen which says 'Click'

For more information about going in to hospital with coronavirus, or visiting someone in hospital who has coronavirus, visit our website.